25: The Letter

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Kitiara had placed herself against the wall. Her hands were hugging her legs tightly to her chest.

She didn't dare to use any kind of spiritual stuff like astral projection or something similar.

She was worried about the consequences that the harvest of the spirit vines would bring.

Kitiara had always been the one who's against playing around with the patience of the spirits.

She didn't what any conflicts to be invoked.

The spirits had power that sometimes could surpass even the wildest imaginations.

She was also worried about Bolin and Varrick.

Did they reject to comply with Baatar's orders ?

If they did, were they punished and tortured ?

What about Suyin, Wing and Wei ?

Were they tortured too ?

What about Zaofu ?

Without Suyin and fall the Beifongs, the city was standing no chance against an entire army.

Even if Kitiara had caused enough of disturbance and problems by either destroying or sending all of their attacking plans to the Republic City.

Yes, she couldn't see Momo or speak with him but she could feel him flying toward her old home.

He must have reached his destination by now.

With a little luck, the plans would end up in her mom's or dad's hands.


Lin was sitting in on the ground eating with Wu, Mako and Tenzin.

She and Tenzin had been trying to put some logic in the Prince's mind lately.

" Supposing that Zaofu falls to Kuvira, what do you think will happen, Prince Wu ? " Tenzin asked that young boy.

Wu took a minute to think of an answer. " The Beifongs are fucked. "

Lin's eyes closed and she pushed her lips into a thin line.

This child was really enjoying challenging her patience.

Not even her daughter was crossing the line as often as that teenager.

" Language, Wu. Show some respect to your elders. " Mako told him off.

" Well, it's true. Kuvira isn't very fond of Suyin, so she and her family are in great danger. " Wu defended himself.

" Kitiara and Baatar are also Beifongs and they will make sure that their family is okay. " Tenzin talked back.

Lin's eyes opened again. Neither Wu nor Tenzin were wrong.

" Listen, that Baatar guy was following Kuvira like a puppy. And Kitiara was... really hot, indeed, but it was like she hated everyone and everything. Not to mention that whenever she was looking at me, she was either disgusted or trying to frighten me, thing which was successful. So, yeah, both of them are a little... emmmm. Not so family friendly as you describe. " Wu explained.

Lin and Tenzin locked eye contact. Opal didn't forget to add, the day ago when they spoke through the radio, about their daughter's mental health.

" You know that Kitiara is Korra's girlfriend, right ? " Mako inquired.

" Yep. What a pity... " The Prince replied.

" Are you aslo aware that Lin and Tenzin are her parents ? "

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