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I decided to go with the boys on this one. I wanted to see more of the farm. It's so pretty and lively.

We walked up to the Logan's house. As we approached we heard this screeching. It was a monkey. It ran down from the tree onto Kid then into Garfield's arms.

"It's okay, meet monkey." He smiled.

"Cool." I flew over to him. "So you just get to stay on this farm and live with all these different animals?" I asked excitedly.

"Yea," he smiled. "But it gets boring, look at you, you can fly around going on cool missions, fighting the big bads! You're like the coolest nine year old I've ever met!" He shouted.

I smiled as we walked inside.

"So pretty weird about Miss Martian and my mom, huh?" Garfield said turning to us.

"What do you mean?" Superboy asked folding his arms. I hovered over the couch as if I was sitting on it while they talked.

"I mean she looks exactly like Marie." He said. "You know, except greener."

"She does?" Wally asked.

"Well duh, especially back when mom was a tv star on "Hello, Megan"." He stated. I felt the energy of the room shift a lot.

"Wait, "Hello, Megan" is a TV show?" Wally asked.

"I just thought it was something she said all the time." Robin followed up.

"Yeah, on the TV show." Garfield stated. "Way before we were born. Only one season. You can't even find it online." He said turning around. "I know mom has a tape somewhere." Garfield went over to the stack of tapes sitting under the TV stand. ""Hello, Megan", the pilot episode." He said showing us the tape. He blew the dust off before putting it inside the TV.

"Whoa! You still have VHS. Where's your 8- track?" He said sarcastically.

"Wait!" Superboy said looking away. "Aircraft, headed this way." He said. I flew outside with the rest of the guys.

"What is it?" Miss M said walking up to us with Marie. We saw the aircrafts approaching fast. They began shooting at us. I put a shield up to cover Miss M and Marie as they ran back to the house.

"Where's my son?" She asked worried.

"I ordered him to stay inside." Robin told her.

"He's eight! He doesn't do orders." She told him.

I felt for Garfield inside the house and didn't feel anything.

"Garfields gone!" I said immediately.

Almost on cue the barn doors opened revealing Garfield.

"Mom!" He yelled out. "It's okay I got the animals out!" He yelled as the injured animals ran out of the barn.

The aircrafts doubled back, shooting at the barn, hitting a propane tank making it blow.

"Garfield!" Marie shouted. Miss M quickly flew over and caught him mid air. She flew him down and handed him to Marie. He looked.. hurt. Really hurt. The aircrafts came around again. I flew up with Superboy and Miss M. Superboy punched one out while I made a construct of a rope and grabbed another plane and used all my strength to slingshot it while Miss M used her telepathy to crash the other plane into the one I had in the rope.

Once we destroyed all three planes we went back into the house to check on Garfield. I feel so useless so.. defeated. I couldn't help him. He could.. d-

"Raegan?" I heard Connor. He pulled me out of my thoughts. "Is everything okay? You were glowing black." He said.

"Y- yea. Just worried about Garfield. Is he going to be okay?" I asked him.

Young Justice: Threat level MidnightWhere stories live. Discover now