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Here are our main two characters.

Name: Autumn Regulus Black
Year: 1st year
House: Gryffindor
Blood Type: Mixed blood/Pureblood
Gender: Female
Pronouns: She/her

Autumn has long straight natural orangeish red hair. Average height and tends to dress in baggy clothing like sweaters and sweatpants. She wears at least 2 of her favourite rings and has a cross tattoo on her arm and a snake on her right arm.

Background Story:
I was the Daughter of Regulus Black who was killed by the evil wizard everyone knows of as Voldemort, or He-who-shall-not-be-named, or You-Know-Who. My life as a child was really fun, my parents weren't sure yet if I was to be a Witch or not, but we found out as I was able to move things and make things appear without knowing how it was done. After my parents were killed I was left alone and eventually ended up at the Malfoy Manor, as Lucius and Narcissa Malfoy took me in after seeing me stranded on the streets. I became good friends with their adopted daughter Atlas Malfoy, I also met Draco Malfoy, their only son. At the age of 11, all three of us were sent to Hogwarts school, and well this is our first year!

Name: Atlas Forest Malfoy
Year: 1st year
House: Slytherin
Blood: Half-Blood
Gender: Yup
Pronouns: All (including neopronouns)

Atlas has short brown hair. She is a Metamorphmagus, and is 5'6". They tend to wear edgy outfits or clothes that are 3 sizes too big for them, love wearing jeans though. He wears 11 rings total as well as 3 necklaces, and he also wears at least 6 bracelets. Xe has 2 tattoos going up the front of her neck and 2 going up the back of her neck, and a skeletal hand tattooed on the back of their hand.

I am the adopted daughter of Lucius and Narcissa Malfoy and the adopted sister of Draco. I never really knew my biological parents, they died when I was too young to remember it, the only thing I do know is that my name used to be Atlas Nightshade. When I was 4 I found out that I was a metamorphmagus, and I was told many stories of Hogwarts. At age 8 I began going by every pronoun, they all seemed to fit and felt right. I had also become really good friends with Autumn Black. Draco and I had become very close siblings and we tell each other everything, and the moment that one of us doesn't then we know that something is wrong. And now we've been sent to Hogwarts!! This first year is gonna be awesome!!

A Hogwarts Story // The Malfoy Family (COMPLETE except for editing)Where stories live. Discover now