The Forest

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Before the sun comes up Autumn toses and turns struggling to sleep "AH' She silently screams punching the ground. 

Draco wakes up, having heard something hit the ground. He sits upright and sees Autumn now holding her hand, having punched the floor.
Draco gets up fast and goes over to her, "What did you do?" he cautiously and hesitantly takes her hand and looks at her now red knuckles.
He yawns, "Man, it's too early."

"I-I." Autumn looks down at his hand touching hers. "Bad dream." She frowns, Avoiding eye contact with him.

"It's alright, I get them all the time," he frowns at your hand. From his pocket he pulls out a small bottle, "Essence of Dittany, it'll reduce and heal any and all bruising in your knuckles," He puts a small drop on Autumn's knuckles.
Draco then realizes that he was holding her hand, "Uh, sorry," He lets go of Autumn's hand and goes back to his sleeping bag, crawling back in and laying there with his back to her.

"Thanks" She smiles and frowns and he lets go and goes back to sleep. "I'm your dreams" She mutters to herself, going back to sleep.

Atlas wakes up to Draco shaking her and telling her to get up. She frowns and rolls over, trying to go back to sleep.
"Go away," Atlas mutters.
"No, you have to get up, everyone else is getting up." Draco shoves her so that she is facing him. She frowns again and sits up, seeing a lot of other people already up.

Autumn rolls over and faces Atlas, yawning.

"What happened?"

"Apparently everyone has to get up..." Atlas yawns and lays back down, only to have Draco hit her in the face with his pillow.

Autumn frowns and gets up walking over to the teacher standing by the door.

"Can I go pee please?" she asks with a sleepy face.

The teacher raised their eyebrows at Autumn, "Behind the big table at the end of the Hall there's a door on the right, girls and boys bathrooms."

"I know where they are." She Facepalms and walks out of the Great Hall.

Atlas looks behind her and sees that Oliver is still asleep, while Fred and George are awake and going around the Great Hall.
She leans over to reach and shake Oliver away but Draco grabs her arm before she could.
"Don't. He can wake up on his own. Leave him alone, Atlas," Draco said, slight anger in his voice.
"Fine," She snaps.
Draco leaves to go to Crabbe and Goyle. The moment he leaves she gently hits Oliver in the face with her pillow. He wakes up with a start.

Autumn goes to use the bathroom and she hears someone else come into the bathroom. "hello?" she says slightly peeking around towards the door.

Autumn walks out the doors and back into the Great hall yawning.
"good morning," She says stretching. "Oh." She says looking at her hand. "I forgot about this." has a view in her head of what happened with Draco.

Evelyn wakes up to the sound of commotion and pillows being thrown around- she didn't know when she had fallen asleep, but she must've been tired. Seeing Autumn and Atlas getting up, she got out of her sleeping bag and tidied it away with a flick of her wand.

She looked around for Hermione, Harry, and Ron.

All of the students were allowed to go back to their common rooms and spend the rest of the day doing whatever they wanted.
Atlas walked with Fred and George out of the Great Hall and to the stairs, where they went upstairs and she went downstairs.
On her way through one of the hallways of the dungeon, she heard a noise behind her. She turned around but don't see anyone. She turned back around and kept walking, it was probably nothing.
After a few minutes, Atlas heard a loud breath and footsteps from right behind her, she spun around but still, she didn't see anyone or anything.
"Hello?!" She called out, only the silence of the hallway answered her, "Strange," she mutters and continue walking.

A Hogwarts Story // The Malfoy Family (COMPLETE except for editing)Where stories live. Discover now