Night In The Great Hall

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We walk into the Great Hall and Atlas looks around to find Astoria to make sure that she is there too. She grabs Draco's sleeve so that she doesn't lose him again.
When Atlas finds her she just goes back to Autumn and Evelyn.
Dumbledore stood at one side of the Hall and waved his wand, causing hundreds of sleeping bags to go out across the Hall.

Autumn walks over to one of the sleeping bags and sits on top of it still upset.

Atlas sits beside Autumn, "This has been quite the stressful few days," She moves her jaw and feel the bruise on her jaw shoot pain up her jaw.
Draco stands in front of us, "You know what, I'm gonna go find Crabbe and Goyle, see ya suckers," Draco leaves us and goes to the other side of the Great Hall.

"Draco wait!" Autumn reaches for him."Hmm?" Draco stops and turns back when he got halfway to Crabbe and Goyle."I-Can you stay..." Autumn looks at the ground feeling her face turn a little red. "please"

Draco frowns, "Why?"
"So then we can pick on you," Atlas rolls her eyes.

"No" Autumn frowns patting the sleeping bag beside her.

"Oh... Ok, but I have to go talk to Crabbe and Goyle anyways..." Draco looks confused and then walks to Crabbe and Goyle.
Atlas lays back on the sleeping bag and sees that Fred, George, and Oliver were right behind her, "Well hello boys," She smiles.

"Lumos" Autumn says and a little light forms on her wand, she takes out a book and reads until Draco gets back.

"How's Quidditch going, boys?" Atlas asks.
"We've got Harry as our new Seeker and things couldn't be going better! Except of course and escaped convict and some Dementors, but we can get rid of them can't we Georgie," Fred looked at George with a huge smile on his face.
"It's going brilliant, Atlas. Will you root for Gryffindor when the first game is on?" Oliver asks Atlas, looking at her from over the top of his book.
"Sure!! Well... I guess that depends on who it's against, but if it's against Slytherin then I'll root for both!" Atlas smiles at him. Oliver smiles.
Just then Draco gets back and Oliver's smile vanishes and he turns his back to us. She frowns.

Autumn looks at Draco. "howd that go?"

"It went," He shrugged, "They're not happy that I'm spending so much time with other people, Atlas they understand but not others," Draco avoided looking at Autumn.
Atlas rolls her eyes and scoot over beside Fred and Oliver and starts having a conversation with them, knowing that Autumn and Draco did have a lot to talk about.
Oliver looks at her in confusion and then glances behind us at Autumn and Draco, then he nods in understanding.

"I'm sorry," Autumn frowns. "I don't mean to take you away from then" She lays down and looked at the ceiling

"No, it's not that! It's just... Never mind," Draco sighs.
"So..." He says awkwardly, not really knowing what else to say.

"what is it then?" Autumn frowns turning her head so she's facing him.

"I don't know..." Draco avoids looking at Autumn.
"If you continue to roll your eyes that much then they're going to pop out of your head," Fred leans over and whispers to Atlas. Atlas gently shove him back, slightly laughing.

Autumn reaches over and give Draco's hand a light squeeze, then she turns to look up at the ceiling again,

Draco frowns, "What was that for?"

"I-I don't know. Good luck maybe?" Autumn slightly grins and rolls over.

"Hmm," Draco frowns again.

"What'cha reading?" Atlas asks leaning over to Oliver, trying to read his book as he does.

"Quidditch Through the Ages" Oliver says, "You interested?"
"Yeah, a bit. I've been wanting to read some of the histories of Quidditch and everything," Atlas smiles, trying to read the page that he's on.
"Want to read it with me?" Oliver asked. He raises his eyebrows as he sees her trying to read the page.
"Sure!" Atlas says. Oliver moves over a little bit so that there's room on his sleeping back for her to sit too so that we can read the book.

Autumn turns over to see Atlas and Wood getting close. She frowns
"Can we be like that?" Autumn asks Draco randomly. 

"Uh, no. Sorry, no. Um also. Atlas!!" Draco leaned over and tugged on the back of Atlas' robes, "Get over here."
"What? Why? No!" Atlas turns to look at him in confusion.
"For starters, he's a Gryffindor, and he's also in his fifth year, you're in your first. Also, you're my sister, I'm not letting you get close to anyone like that,"
"Excuse me! Oliver and I are just reading a book about Quidditch! Just leave me alone for a little while okay?!" She says to Draco.
Atlas glances at Autumn and frowns, 'what did you say to him?' She mouthed to her.

"I was only joking!" Autumn frowns and stands up walking over to one of the windows and looking outside.

"Now everyone, I will kindly ask you all to settle down at your sleeping bags and start to calm down and relax. And if you're going to talk, then please do it very quietly," Dumbledore called out from towards the staff table.
Atlas goes back to her sleeping bag and crawl in and Oliver crawls into him, though he put the book out between us so that we can continue reading.
When Autumn gets back to her sleeping back she gives her a quick hug and says goodnight, and she does the same with Draco, just in case either of them falls asleep before her.

"Thanks" Autumn frowns Looking at the ceiling. Another bang goes off outside.

Oliver and Atlas both look up from the book as the bang goes off, we look at each other in confusion and concern, Atlas frowns. We went back to reading the book.

Within 10 minutes Draco was fast asleep.

Autumn looks over at Draco and sighs. A little bit later She falls asleep.

After a while, Atlas happened to glance over at Autumn and saw that she was fast asleep too.
Oliver and Atlas were still reading the book, though she could tell that we were both getting really tired.
"Good night, Oliver," Atlas smiles at him. she stifles a yawn.
"Good night. Continue reading tomorrow?" He says, closing the book and putting it by his pillow.
"Sure thing," Atlas set her head down on the pillow and immediately fall asleep.

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