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"HIIII!! We came to get our wands too!!!" Autumn says looking around, "WHoa"

"Curious little one aren't you? Now let's find a wand for you." Olivander smiles and climbs a ladder to find a wand for Autumn.

Autumn smiles. "How do I know which wand is for me?" She asks. She looks over to where Draco was. "HEY! I see you got a wand! Good job!" Autumn says chuckling.

"Yeah whatever," Draco snorted and walked out of the store.
"You will know it is for you when you get it. I can't say much more than that," Atlas watches as Olivander hands Autumn a wand.

Autumn takes the wand and moves it around. "Oops," She says watching something explode.
"Maybe not this one..." She says, putting it on the table.

"Hmmm, maybe this one," Olivander hands Autumn another wand.
Atlas pick up a shard of the vase that exploded, the pieces were perfectly split.

"Is this Red oak wood?" Autumn asks taking the wand.
Narcissa smiles. "Be careful,"
She moves the wand around and a sudden burst of lights fly around her,

"Ah, I thought that might be the one for you, my dear." Olivander smiles.

"Oooo, that's so cool!! I wonder what mine will be!!" Atlas looks around at all of the wands.

"Yay! Thanks, Mr!" Autumn smiles, taking her wand, "Your turn!" She says to Atlas, walking over to stand by Narcissa.
While we wait, Autumn turns to Narcissa.
"What if... what if I don't make friends?" She frowns sadly. "What if other people don't like me at school"

"Don't worry, dear, I'm sure that lots of people will like you, and if they don't then they don't deserve your attention or time. I'm sure you'll do fine!" Narcissa smiles at Autumn.

"Here we go," Olivander hands Atlas a wand.
The moment that Atlas touches the wand, the air around her almost seemed to glow.
"That's the wand for you, child. And just for extra information, that wand there is the sibling to the wand that young Ms.Black has in her hand there." Olivander smiled as Atlas walks over to Autumn and held her wand next to hers.

Autumn smiles, "I hope so!" She says to Narcissa, Then turn to Atlas,
"Wait, my wand is the sister of their wand?" Autumn asks confused. "Whoa," She says holding her wand up next to theirs.

Atlas looks outside and sees Draco outside of the store frowning. He sees me looking at him and nods his head outside and taps his wrist.
"Yes, I do suppose that we need to go now." Narcissa had seen Draco too, she put her hands on Atlas and Autumn's backs and gently guided them out of the store as they just stared at each other's wands.

"What? Did Draco forget the time?" Autumn chuckles and walks out the door.

A Hogwarts Story // The Malfoy Family (COMPLETE except for editing)Where stories live. Discover now