The Great Hall

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"Right," We walk into the great hall and Autumn sits down at the Gryffindor table next to Ginny. Atlas sits down on the other side of Autumn. She looked to see who was across the table from us and saw Oliver Wood sitting there reading the Daily Prophit.Autumn nudges Atlas. "Ooooo someone like's someone." She Whispers. Atlas slightly blushes, "Do not," She whispers back."Your blushing," Autumn says with a chuckle.

"Am nott!!" She says casually putting her hand up to her face and covering it with her sleeve, "You don't see anything," She smiles.

Autumn smiles and turns her head to see Draco walking in. "Sure," She says putting her hood up.

"If you can make fun of me can I make fun of you?" Atlas says, seeing her reaction to Draco walking in.
Atlas sees Oliver glance up and sees her and smiles. She smiles back.

"Shut up." Autumn Mutters. "DON't tell him," She says taking a bite of cheese.

Atlas shrugs at Autumn, smiling.
Draco walks past us and sits at the Slytherin table with a group of other Slytherins.

Autumn watches Draco and goes back to eating. "Anyway." She looks at Atlas and sees her smiling and She grins.
"So, hear anything about the Stone yet?" Autumn hears Ron ask.
"I've looked all night and there's nothing!" Hermione huffs.
"Nothing about what?" Autumn leans into their conversation.
"Noting..." Harry says.
"You mean the Philosopher's Stone?" Autumn asks. Ron's jaw dropped.
"How do you-" He begins
"Long story." Autumn smiles.

"Atlas," Oliver says, slightly putting his newspaper down.
She looks at him, "Yes?"

"The first Quidditch match is happening soon... tomorrow to be exact..." Oliver said.
Atlas smiles and nods, "Yeah, I heard that it was happening!"
"Will you be going?" Oliver asked.
"Yeah of course!" Atlas hears Autumn talking to Harry, Ron, and Hermione but she focuses on Oliver's words.
"Um, It's Slytherin against Gryffindor, so I don't suppose I can really ask which side you'll be rooting for..." Oliver frowned.
Atlas smiles and sighs, "Not really, but I'm going to be rooting for both sides, honestly people wise I'm rooting for Gryffindor, but we'll keep that between us," She laughs and so does Oliver.

"Will you stand with your house or will you stand with Gryffindor?" Oliver asked, looking down at the table.
"I don't know yet, we'll see," Atlas smiles.
Oliver smiles and she hears him quietly mutter under his breath, "I hope it's Gryffindor," then he just smiles again and pretends like he didn't mutter anything. She pretends so too.

Autumn looks up to see Pansy enter the room, "Oh here we go" she frowns, watching her go over to Draco and Whisper something to him.

Atlas glances over and sees Autumn looking at Draco and see Pansy whisper to him and then walk away, looking back at Draco with a smile as she does.
She sees Draco frown and then gets up and follows Pansy.
Atlas catches his eye as he walks past and he slightly shakes his head, meaning for her not to worry nor follow.

Autumn watches them leave and Sighs.
"Well might as well give up on that."

"Don't worry, I'll ask him about it later. And if he doesn't want to tell then ill make him tell cause he knows that he can't keep secrets from me," Atlas frowns.
"Do you want to read more of the Quidditch book?" She hears Oliver ask, trying to change the subjects.
"Sorry, not right now, Oliver. Autumn and I have somewhere we need to be," Atlas says abruptly getting up and swinging her bag over her shoulder, "Come on," Atlas says to Autumn, "I know where Pansy likes hiding, we can see if they're there and we can just walk around and casually find them if we can." she whispers to her.

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