A Good Talk

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Autumn walks towards the great hall and as she reaches the entrance, Pansy walks up to her.
"What do you want?" Autumn asks, frowning.
"Stay away from Draco." She puffs. "I know you like him, and I don't care, he doesn't like you, and he never will." She gives an evil grin.
"Whatever." Autumn sighs walking past her and over to the Gryffindor table.

From Atlas's seat at the Slytherin table, She sees Pansy speaking to Autumn, and then she sees Autumn walk away and goes to the Gryffindor table.
Atlas watches a satisfied grin go onto Pansy's face and just glares at her, she sees Atlas and her grin falters and she walks away.
Draco comes up beside me and sits down, "Hey, Atlas," he smiles.
She gives him a half-hearted smile, "Hi," Atlas frowns, "What do you want?"
Draco just shrugs and starts eating.
Atlas pushes her plate away and stands up and then walks out of the Great Hall and follows in the direction that Pansy had gone.

Autumn picks up a green apple from the table, she looks up to see Atlas leaving the Great Hall and sighs.
"You should talk to Draco." A random girl at the table says.
"Why?" Autumn shrugs.
"At least then you'll know what's going on in his head." She speaks.
"And why would he tell me?" She raises an eyebrow.
"You never know." She gives a smile and goes back to reading her book.
Autumn frowns, standing up and walking over to Draco and tapping him on the back.

Draco flinches and jumps. He turns to look at Autumn, "What?", "Can we talk?" Autumn pauses. "Please?" She asks trying not to shy away.

Draco blinked, "Yeah, sure, I guess. Just don't take too long." He motioned for Autumn to sit down.

Autumn sits down next to him and tries to avoid everyone around us.
"Look... I" She frowns, "I'm sorry for calling you an asshole the other day." She says looking down. "I honestly don't hate you, and I honestly really wish we could... you know, be friends. but you make it so hard," Autumn explains looking up at a painting on the wall.

"It's just you annoy me so much, and the things you say hurt, and now Pansy is doing it, and" She sighs. "I just... I don't know.

"Yeah, so I've heard that she is," Draco said, raising his eyebrows at Autumn, "But look, you make it just as difficult as I do. So, I just haven't bothered. If we could be friends that would be nice, then maybe Atlas would also stop being constantly mad at me for everything. I'll still make fun of you and all that, but it would just be for fun, not to hurt or anything. But just know that everyone else isn't going to stop. Parkinson especially," he briefly looks around the Great Hall.

"So, you mean, you'll be my friend?" Autumn looks up at him. "You can joke around yeah that's fine, there's just a point where it hurts. but as long as I know you jokingly doing it then it's fine, I guess." She slightly smiles. "Yeah, I'm trying not to let Pansy get to me" She shrugs. 

"Yeah, I will, or at least I'll try," Draco gives a hint of a smile, "When others are around, I'll probably make fun of you, though we will know that it's joking, and when no one else is then I'll try not to unless I just can't resist making fun of you for something," he laughs.
"All students shall now proceed to their next class," McGonagall's voice rang out from everywhere.
"Do you by any chance know where Atlas went?" He stood up and waited for you to get up too.

Autumn smiles and stands up.
"Thanks, Draco. This means a lot to me." She says looking around.
"Um, she left the Hall..." Autumn shrugs. "She may have gone after Pansy who also left..." She frowns.
"That won't end well." She says making her way out of the Hall

Draco slowly follows you out of the Hall.
"If they followed Pansy then it's very likely that one of them is going to end up in the Hospital Wing, and it'll most likely be Pansy." Draco frowned, "I should have paid more attention to where she was going, that way I could possibly stop someone from getting hurt, no matter who."

"I'm sorry." Autumn looks down and walks over to the big glass windows. "I'm going outside flying is next," She says walking towards the doors.

Draco sighs, "It's okay. Yeah, me too,"

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