The Talk

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Atlas goes down the stairs, trying to calm her racing heartbeat.
She walks into the Drawing room, where Father is standing next to the fire, staring into it. Mother is standing a little way away from him, looking at her with a sad look on her face.
"You wanted to see me...?" she said cautiously. Narcissa nods toward Lucius.

"Father?" Atlas slightly shivers, despite the heat of the fire.
Lucius turns around to look at her and then he glances back down at the fire again. He looks up again and looks at Narcissa.
"What's going on?" she says, confused, looking between the two of them.

"Two things to talk about, and neither of which you will enjoy hearing," Lucius said, not looking at her, "One of them has to do with that boy. And the other thing has to do with something completely different... Which one would you like to hear first?" He looked at her and then looked away again.
"The first one," Atlas said quietly. She stands there in the middle of the room, not really knowing what else to do.

"He's a Gryffindor, isn't he," Lucius asked Atlas and she nodded
"You like him don't you," He slightly glared at her. She swallows and anxiously nods again.
"You realize that you can't be with him, right?'
Tears come into her eyes, and she looked down and then nodded.
"And you understand why?"
Atlas nods again.
"Good. You have to distance yourself from him," Lucius said.
Atlas breath caught and the tears silently slid down her face.

"Lucius" Narcissa starts.

Lucius held up his hand at Narcissa, "Don't... Don't add to it,"
"Father..." Atlas tries to say but then he cut her off.
"You know why you aren't allowed with him, so don't try to argue with it," Lucius warned.
Atlas sighs.
"Now, for the other thing..." Lucius glanced at Narcissa. By the look that they shared, she immediately knew that it had something to do with my original parents.

Narcissa stands up and leaves the room had having enough.

Atlas sighed and sat on the floor, wiping the tears from her face watching Narcissa leave.
"Now that you're at Hogwarts you will occasionally be seeing things with the name 'Nightshade' on it, which is your original last name, as you already know," Lucius looked at her with a blank and expressionless look.
Atlas slowly nodded, not fully knowing where this is going.
"Whatever you find with the name on it, do not investigate or dig deeper. I want to keep you safe and if you dig deeper then there's nothing that I can do to make sure that you're safe. You won't like what you find about the Nightshades. And it's dangerous to go looking. Promise me that you won't go digging for information, Atlas," Lucius slightly scowled at her.
Atlas frowns and slowly nods.
"Use your words, child," Lucius spat his words at her like a snake's hiss.
"I promise, Father," Atlas said, standing up.

"Good. That is all for now. You may go," Lucius turned back to the fire.
"Yes, Father," Atlas turns to leave and starts walking away.
"Atlas," Lucius called after her.
She stops walking and just stood there with her back to him.
"You are not to be around that boy anymore. Not to talk or anything," he said.
Atlas didn't bother responding, she just walked away with silent tears rolling down her face.
She goes up the stairs to the room and walk in, barely registering that Draco and Autumn were right there. She climbs up to her bunk and curls up and break down crying.

Autumn lays on the bed and turn so she's facing Draco, "Are you going to be, ok?" she asked but looks up when Atlas walked in. "oh no." she climbs up to Atlas's bunk almost falling off the ladder and her heart slightly breaks when she sees Atlas crying. Autumn crawls onto the bed and wrap her arms around her.

Atlas felt Autumn wrap her arms around her and she just curled up more and leaned against her, still crying.
Draco stood up and then stood on the ladder, reaching over and moving Atlas hair out of her face.
"What happened...?" Draco asked very quietly.

Autumn leans her head on Atlas's head, "Draco, I think we should ask later when she's not in this emotional state right now." she tells him even though that probably hurt a little. "I didn't mean that in a mean way though."

"I understand," Draco nodded.
Atlas reaches out and takes Draco's hand and gently squeezes it.
It was nice to know that she had two people with her that actually cared.

Autumn gives a weak smile and closes her eyes. After a little while, Atlas falls asleep and at some point, Draco let go of her hand and curled up on Autumn's bed so that he was still in the room with us. Autumn notices them both asleep, she frowns looking at the ceiling eventually falling asleep.

A Hogwarts Story // The Malfoy Family (COMPLETE except for editing)Tempat cerita menjadi hidup. Temukan sekarang