Malfoy Manor

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Atlas yawns, "Is it alright if I just go and sleep for a little bit?" She asks.
"If you must, dear. We have a small meeting that needs to be taken care of anyway so why don't you three just go upstairs for a while anyway," Lucius says, his staff clicking against the tile floors.

"Ok" Autumn halls her stuff up to our room and falls onto her bed. 

Atlas follows Autumn into the room. She pulls her stuff into the room and glance behind her, Draco was slowly trudging up the stairs behind us.
"Atlas..." He said quietly.
"Nope," Atlas shuts the door in his face. She heard his footsteps slowly fade away.
Atlas puts her trunk in the corner and then climb up onto her bunk.
"This is going to be an interesting Christmas," Atlas says, looking up at the ceiling.

Autumn sighs, "Yeah it will be" She looks out the window as a snowy Owl flies in, "Hello." She smiles and she lands on her arm. She gave her a pat and she flies over to her spot. She yawns.

"Good night Atlas"

"Good night Autumn," Atlas says, throwing the blankets over her.
"Sleep well," She yawns as well and instantly fall asleep.

*The Next Morning* 

Autumn yawns waking up, She looks up to see Atlas still sleeping. She quietly grabs some clothes and warm sock, sneak into the bathroom to change, and then walks down into the kitchen to see Draco sitting at the table. She opens the fridge door ignoring the fact that he was there.

Draco sees Autumn come in and start ignoring him. He frowns.
"Autumn..." He starts to say, hoping that maybe she'll look at him or acknowledge him. 

"What do you want" Autumn hisses looking for something to eat from the fridge.

"To explain. For you to look at me. For you to talk to me like you used to. To go back in time and fix what I did that I shouldn't have done! I want my friend back," Draco's voice was sad and quiet.

"Well unless you have a good enough reason, that's not going to happen." Autumn grabs an apple and flop onto the couch ignoring eye contact with him.

Draco walks over to Autumn and crouches down in front of her, "What you and Atlas saw wasn't supposed to happen. Pansy had told me that she wanted to talk to me, so I followed her. I didn't know what she had planned. And I'm pretty sure that she was expecting you and Atlas to come and find me. I'm sorry, ok. I know that she's not a nice person and always makes fun of you for everything, I'm sorry. Can you forgive me? If not then that's ok but I just needed to ask," Draco sighed and sat on the floor, looking at Autumn.

Autumn avoided eye contact with him. Some part of her felt bad but at the same time, she really didn't care.
"I'll think about it," she says with a flat voice

"Everything ok over here?" Narcissa asks looking at us from the kitchen.
"Just fine," Autumn mutter standing up and waking back upstairs.

Draco closes his eyes and hits his fist against his forehead, "Yeah, just fine," he says moodily, storming up the stairs and going to his bedroom and slamming his door.

Atlas had still been asleep but jolted awake when Draco's bedroom door slammed.

Autumn walks into the room and sit down running her hand through her hair. "AH!" She muttered feeling tears again.

Narcissa walks around the kitchen gathering things and makes pancakes for the morning.
"Come down everyone time to eat!"

Atlas sighs, "I'm not getting up," She rolls over and puts her blankets over her head. She peeks her head out from the top of the blankets and reach over and find an old stuffed animal bear and She dropped it over the side of her bed, Atlas hears it hit Autumn on the head, "Bears give good hugs," she says and starts to fall back asleep.

"Wake up," Autumn says throwing the bear at her. She wipes her tears and walk back downstairs.
"Autumn what's the matter?" Narcissa asks.
"Nothing." She mutters.
"Autumn..." Narcissa starts just as Lucius walks into the room.

"She said that there's nothing wrong, so listen to her. Don't press her," Lucius said, sitting down at the long table.
Autumn Frown at Lucius and sit at the table. "Yummy pancakes."

Atlas walks out of the room, rubbing her eyes. She heard a sniffling noise from Draco's room, and she gently knocks on the door. She hears shuffling and then the door opened an inch.

"Go away, Atlas," Draco mutters.
"Let me in, Draco," Atlas says quietly.

Narcissa gives a half-smile and puts everything on the table. "Draco! Atlas! Downstairs please!" She yells.

"In a minute, Mum!" Atlas calls down

Autumn takes a bite of food. "She's getting ready for the day" She tells Narcissa, "she just woke up"
Narcissa just nods and sits at the table.

"Draco. Let. Me. In," she says through gritted teeth.
She hears Draco sigh, and he opens the door and backs up, letting her in.
His eyes look bloodshot, and his face puffy.

Atlas sighs and frown, "What happened Draco?" Atlas asked him.
A tear slides down his face and She reached her hand over to brushes it away, he pulls his head away from her.
"Why don't you go talk to your best friend about that," Draco sniffles and turns around, facing his window, "Go. I'll be down in a few," he said.
"Okay..." Atlas says quietly. She leaves the room and closes the door. The moment that she does she hears him start crying again. Atlas sighs and goes down the stairs to the table.

Autumn waits for Atlas to come downstairs. "That was good thanks" She tries to smile.
"Someone please tell me what's going on and why is Draco still in his room!" Narcissa says

"He'll be down in a few, he was putting some of his stuff away," Atlas says putting on a fake smile.
She sits down and starts eating her pancakes.

Autumn frowns. "So did you miss us?" She asks, "Well, it was quite quiet without you three here, so I must say it was quite nice," Lucius joked. Autumn frowns. "Funny," She looks up to see Draco walking downstairs.

Draco comes in and, does as Atlas had, he puts on a fake smile, "What's for breakfast?" he asks, sitting down on the other side of Lucius.
"Pancakes, but they might be cold by now. What took you so long to come down?" Lucius says.
Draco briefly glances at Atlas, "I was putting some stuff away,"
Atlas shrugs in an "I-told-you-so" manner.
After a few minutes, she glances at Draco and sees that he hadn't eaten very much of his food and was just staring into space.

"May we go for a walk?" Autumn asks.

"Of course. Just make sure that you stay along the perimeter of the property as always, and don't go beyond it," Lucius reminds us.
Atlas stands up and stares at Draco. He blinks rapidly and looks up at her in confusion. She nods her head towards the door and looks at Autumn, waiting for her to go first.

"Thanks" Autumn heads to the door and puts her nice shoes on and walks out the door.

Atlas follows Autumn and puts on her own boots. She stands there and waits for Draco to join and put his shoes on.
"I didn't really want to go..." Draco mutters under his breath.
"Well, you didn't have to come, I was just inviting you," Atlas hisses at him. He scowls at her.

A Hogwarts Story // The Malfoy Family (COMPLETE except for editing)Where stories live. Discover now