The Letter

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 "May I come in?" Draco mutters, his eyes downcast. Atlas looks up at Draco and sees that he looks sad and exhausted. Autumn frowns. "Yeah," she says opening the door and letting him in. "Thanks," He muttered, walking in and sitting on the floor next to Atlas. "You, ok?" She asks putting her hand on Draco's arm and slightly tipping her head to look him in the face. "I'm fine," Draco said, turning his face away from her, "No, I'm not..." He rubbed a hand over his face. She looks at Autumn and then back to Draco, "Tell us about it," she said. Autumn closes the door and sits on the other side of Draco. "Yeah, what's going on?" She said slightly leaning her head on his shoulder. "What did Lucius say?"

"He says that I'm getting too soft. That I'm becoming a disgrace to the Malfoy line. He says that I need to distance myself from certain people that make me act 'soft'," Draco avoids looking at Autumn and Atlas, "He says that it's his house and because of that and because I'm his son, I need to do as he says..." He sighed, briefly closing his eyes.
Atlas looks at Autumn. Autumn looks at the ground. "I'm too soft-hearted" she muttered looking away from them.

"No! It's not that!" Draco looks at her, slightly tapping her arm but taking his hand back, "It's other people! But it's also good that you're soft-hearted! A lot of people aren't so it's nice when someone is!" Draco sighed, Atlas puts her arm around him in a half hug, "You are both great people! Atlas, you're the best sister I could ever ask for, even if it isn't by blood, and I hope you stay as wonderful as you are and do not turn out the way I figure that I will... And, Autumn, you're a good friend, even if I make it difficult to be friends with you! The problem is who I've already let myself become, and I'm gonna change," Draco looked at Atlas, "For Father. For all of us, even if it's not in the way that I want to change,"
Atlas reaches over and takes Autumn's hand and then takes Draco's hand in her other and grimly smiles. Autumn frowns and leans on his shoulder. "I'm sorry this is happening to you." she sighs.

Draco slightly shrugs, "It's fine, I guess. I mean, it only makes sense that he has rules for me to follow. And, being his son, it's only fitting that I follow them," Draco's eyebrows knit together and he looks down at his hands.
After a few seconds of silence, Atlas looks at Autumn and Draco, "Wizards Chess anyone?" she asks, pulling a Chess set out from under the bed and smiling. Autumn nods and looks at Atlas. "Wizard Chess" Atlas smiles, "Just trying to change the subject to something happier... though Wizards Chess is slightly barbaric... Meh, it's fine," she laughs, Draco smirks and shakes his head at her.

Autumn frowns. A few minutes later an Owl flies in through the window. "Huh?" she stands up and walks over to it and grins. "Atlas, you have a secret admirer." She Chuckles. "A secret admirer?! What in the world are you talking about?" Draco says, reaching up and snagging the letter from Autumn's hand.

"Draco! Give it here, please!" Atlas says reaching for the letter, Draco holds it out of range of her hand. "Who's it from?" He asked.

"Draco!" Autumn grins, "It's from Oliver" She winks. "SHUSH!! You aren't supposed to say that!" Atlas says to Autumn, her face going bright red.

Draco's face scrunched up in slight disgust, "Oliver Wood... Yeah, no! I'm going to send him a letter telling him to never Owl you again," Draco's hand dropped slightly and Atlas grabs the letter. "Draco!" Autumn tickles him in the stomach making him let go of the letter. "Honestly, if you liked someone wouldn't you send them a letter?" She frowned. "I know I would"

Atlas raised her eyebrows at her, "And what's stopping you," she jokes peeling off the wax stamp on the back of the letter and opening it up. "Umm, I'm not going to answer that." Autumn Frowns nodding towards Draco. Draco didn't notice and was trying to read Atlas's letters upside down. Oliver's slightly sideways writing was written in gold-colored ink.

TO: Atlas
I didn't have your address so I'm hoping that the owl finds you and not someone else.
I hope that you are doing well. How is your Christmas break going so far? How is Autumn? I've been learning a few more Quidditch tricks and I'm hoping that I get the chance to use them at the match when everyone gets back from the Holidays. Fred and George have been setting off Dungbombs all over the Gryffindor Common Room all morning. You should have brought that Quidditch book home with you and then you would have had something extra to read.
Looking forward to hearing back from you,
From: Oliver Wood

Atlas glances up at Autumn with a smile on her face. Autumn chuckles. "Soooo?"

"He asked how you're doing," Atlas says calmly, "And, he said that I should have brought that book with me to read. And he's learning more Quidditch tricks," she blushes, "And he's looking forward to hearing back from me," she finishes with a smile.
Draco makes a face of pretending to throw up and Atlas pushes his arm. Autumn laughs. "Draco's just jealous 'cause he doesn't have someone like that" She grins.

Draco dramatically shudders, "Well if having someone is gonna include letters like that then count me out!" He sticks his tongue out and makes a disgusted face. Atlas narrows her eyes at him and he just grins. Autumn frowns. "Well then... next topic please," she says. "Tomorrow's Christmas!"  Atlas sighs and folds up her letter sticking it in her pocket.

Draco's expression instantly sobered, "Christmas..." He slightly frowned.
Atlas smiles, "Christmas indeed... I don't think we're going to get the things that we had been hoping for. Something seems slightly different," she said frowning.
"Dobby!" Atlas calls and Dobby pops up out of nowhere. Autumn frowns. "Yeah, we can only wish for the best." She smiles. "But it will be fun to get back to school." She says pulling out her wand and waving it around.  

"Yeah, I miss Hogwarts and all of the people there," Atlas looks at her, "Dobby, has a Christmas tree been put up? Or any Christmas decorations? Anything?" She asks the house-elf. Dobby Shakes his head. "No, master has not put up a tree yet." He slightly bows.

Autumn sighs, "I agree! I bet the great hall looks amazing this time of year" She sighs

Atlas frowns, "Dobby, how would you like to join us in putting up a tree and decorating the house while Mother and Father are away at a meeting tonight?" She remembered that every Wednesday they would leave for an hour or two, they and would always tell us that they were going to a meeting and that's all that we ever knew. She smiled at Dobby. Dobby smiles. "Sure!"

Autumn smiles and opens the door. "Coming Draco?"

Draco opens his mouth to say something and then closes it again, "Nah, I'm good. I think I'll study some Potions stuff and just relax while you're all struggling with the lights and decorations," He smirks.
Atlas gets up and holds a handout to Draco to help him get up. He brushes her hand away and stands up on his own. "Suit yourself!" Autumn says running downstairs.

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