Slytherin Common Room

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The Prefect led them all the way down to the dungeons.

"Pure-Blood," The Prefect said to the portrait on the wall, the portrait opened up and behind it was a huge common room.
There was a doorway in the middle of the room with spiral stairs going up.

"Up those stairs are your dormitories, girls will go right and boys will go left. All of your stuff is already in your dorms. Welcome to Slytherin,"
Most of the students go up the stairs. Atlas stays down with Draco for a few minutes.

"Wow, this is amazing. Is that the lake?" She asks him, looking out a window.

"Yeah, Dad told me that sometimes you could see mermaids and other sea creatures swim past..." He smiled.

They both walk up the stairs. Atlas gives Draco a hug, "Sleep well, I'll see you in the morning,"

"You too," Draco went to his dorm and Atlas goes to hers. She immediately crashed on the bed and fell asleep.

A Hogwarts Story // The Malfoy Family (COMPLETE except for editing)Where stories live. Discover now