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Atlas pulls her trunk up the stairs to the room and flops on Autumn's bed.
"It's good to be home," she sighs. "Yeah, it is" Autumn yawns walking into our room. "I wonder what exactly was going to be doing all summer"

"Me too. I'm hoping that maybe we can go on a trip of some sort, but I doubt that Mother and Father would want to, especially with their weekly meeting things," Atlas frowns.
"I'd like to know what the meetings are for, but they always say that it's just some old friends of theirs..." Atlas rolls her eyes. Autumn sighs, "Yeah," she lays on the bed. "That would be fun" 

"I feel like Father is going to have a chat with me about Oliver..." Atlas says worriedly. Autumn chuckles. "I mean Oliver is a Gryffindor, I can see why, I'm surprised they're not mad at me yet for getting Gryffindor," she says pulling out her spell book. "I'm sure that they were expecting you to get in Gryffindor, 'cause you're brave and courageous, and those are both traits of being a Gryffindor. I'm not supposed to fall for a Gryffindor... technically I'm not supposed to fall for anyone..." Atlas voices trails off as she remembered something that Lucius had once told Draco and her, but he only told us, seems how we are his children. She didn't really want to talk about it.

Autumn frowns. "I guess, but your parents can't really control your love life, I mean," She thinks for a minute. "I mean it's different if... say Draco and I were dating, his parents would hate that because I'm not at all like them." she sighs, "but thanks, I take that as a compliment, also your strong too!" Autumn walks over to Atlas and puts her hands on her shoulder. "Your strong and brave, you stand up for people," she leans her head on her head. Atlas lets out a light laugh, "thanks," tears form in her eyes and she laughs again, wiping them away as they go down her face.

"I stand up for the people that I care about," Atlas smiles and gives Autumn a hug. "Awe, don't cry." Autumn hugs her. "Of course, anyone smart enough would protect the people they love." she frowns. "Including Draco and his parents"

"What about me?" Draco says from the doorway, leaning against the doorframe.
Atlas jumps a little bit and turns away from him, wiping her face of any more tears.
Draco frowns and then his expression goes back to blank. Autumn looks towards the door. "Nothing...." she lets go of Atlas and sits down on her bed pulling back out her spell book,

Draco frowns again, "Atlas, Father wants to speak with you downstairs,"
Atlas's head snaps to look at Autumn, a look of alarm and fear on her face. "Like alone?" Autumn asks a little worried. "Mother struggled to convince Father to let her even be in the room..." Draco sighed, worry clearly etched in his face.

"Oh no..." Atlas takes a deep breath and stands up. Autumn nods, "probably shouldn't keep him waiting." She said frowning. 

Atlas walked to the doorway, where Draco hadn't moved to let her through.
"Draco..." She started to say, to get him to move.
He stood up straight and hugged her.
"I'm scared," she said, hugging him back.
"I know," Draco whispered.
He let her go and moved out of her way.
Atlas walked out of the room and down the stairs.
Draco stood there and then looked at Autumn, still looking worried.

Autumn stand there not knowing what to do. "Draco..." she walked over to him and put her hand on his shoulder. "It will be fine I hope." She slightly pulls him into the room and close the door. "So what's up with you? What did Lucius tell you last time?" Autumn frowns, hoping he'd tell her something.

"But what if it's not fine... What if something happened and I get my sister taken away..." Draco frowned and rubbed a hand over his face.
After a few minutes, he spoke again, "A lot was said last time. Mostly just him reminding me of my "place" in the Malfoy family line..." Draco sighed and sat in the chair at the desk that was under the window. He took a deep breath and then let it out.

Autumn sighs "Draco, you're not going to lose your sister, why would you think that." she looks down trying to figure out what to say.  "And I'm sorry that your father is so hard on you, it's not fair"

Draco lets out a light snort, "Life isn't fair, Autumn, he's doing what he sees 'fit', " he closes his eyes and shakes his head, "But, I keep feeling like Atlas is going to find out something about her family and go running to find them, or go running after a shred of hope that they're out there somewhere," Draco sighs, "If she finds her family and they're still alive, then what will happen? Would she ever come back?" Draco spins the chair around and picks up a pile of papers that's on the desk, briefly flipping through it. 

"Draco, whether she goes off looking for her parents or not she's not going to forget you, or us, we're too important for that." Autumn sighs, "and of course, she would come back." 

"But sometimes you can't tell with her... You can't tell if she'll come back or leave forever. It kills her, knowing that her parents left her, and she didn't know them, that they didn't even want her. She acts like it's all fine, but I can tell that it's tearing her apart," He sighed and shook his head, "I believe you though, I trust you," 

"Draco. she's not the only one who lost their parents" Autumn sighs and stands up walking over to him. "I didn't know you cared that much." she says putting her hands on his shoulders slightly squeezing them.

"I know that you lost your parents too! But they didn't leave you on someone's doorstep because they had better things to do! They didn't drop you off like a bag of trash and then walk away!" Draco exclaimed, "And I'm sorry that you lost your parents, and if you'll let me then I'll help you figure out what happened to them if you want. I'm just terrified of losing my sister just because when she finds out that her family, that didn't want her, is still alive. And if your parents were alive and you found that out, I would be terrified to lose you too and I'd be wondering the same things that I am about Atlas! And of course, I care! Just because I have a persona that shows that I don't care about anything, doesn't mean that I don't! I care about the people that care for me," Draco slammed his fist on the desk in frustration.
"I'm sorry," Draco sighed. 

Autumn slightly finches when he slammed his fist on the table. She walks over and sits right in front of him and reach for both of his hands. "Listen to me Draco," Autumn says trying to hold back tears. "I don't know what to say to help, it sucks, I know," A tear falls down her face, "But family is family, if you are so worried about this then maybe the three of us should sit down and talk about it, I feel like you need to start telling people how you feel about them before they disappear. " She lets go of one of his hands to wipe the tears off of her face.

"I... I can't," Draco frowned, looking scared.
"I can talk to her, but all three of us gives more options for people to remind me of things. But if it helps any then I can talk to her, it's always been fairly easy to. Even then it might take a while to get myself to talk to her about it," He sighed. Draco saw the tears on Autumn's face and reached over and slightly wiped the rest of them with his sleeve and then acted like he didn't do anything.

Autumn was a little shocked when he had reached over to wipe off the tears on her face. "It's not like I'm going to judge you for anything," she says looking up at him. "But if that's what helps then I guess you can talk to her. Along." she finishes talking and walks over to her bed and curls up into a ball. 

Draco gets up and walks over to her, putting his hand on her shoulder, "It's not that I think that you're going to judge me or anything, it's just..." he sighs in frustration, "sometimes it's just easier to talk to fewer people at once," 

"I understand," Autumn says looking up at him. Draco sat on the floor next to Autumn's bed.

A Hogwarts Story // The Malfoy Family (COMPLETE except for editing)Where stories live. Discover now