The Christmas Tree Search

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Atlas walks down the stairs after her, and Dobby disappeared. She glances back up the stairs and sees Draco slowly walking to his room. "It's so quiet in this house" Autumn frowns. Atlas slightly smiles, "Maybe someday it'll be filled with the sound of people. Music, laughing, talking, dancing... That'd be nice. But I think it's more of a dream than the future..." She sighs. "That would be nice" Autumn sighs, Looking around for Christmas stuff. Atlas walks around the stairs and sees the small trapdoor and unlocks it and lifts it. She climbs down the ladder. All of the Christmas stuff was down there. "Autumn! Come help me with this! I'll lift the boxes and you take them!" She calls up at her.  

Autumn walks over to where Atlas was and helps her take the boxes. "This is the last one," Atlas says, holding up a huge box, "Now we're just going to need a tree," She climbs out of the hatch and closes the door, not bothering to lock it yet. Autumn puts the boxes down. "Where are we going to get a tree?" She frowns. "I don't know... And how are we going to get a tree... We're hardly strong enough, even with Draco, to cut down a tree and bring it in..." Atlas sits down on the floor, thinking. Autumn frowns. "We can't have Christmas without a tree" she sighs. "We could...use magic?"  "But we're not allowed to use magic outside of school! I mean, we might be able to ask Draco to get Crabbe and Goyle to come over and help us or something because 5 people we can probably get a tree, but not 3..." Atlas stands up. "Ew why Crabble and Goyle" Autumn frowns. "Could we just ask Lucius and Cissa when they get back?"  

"Mum will agree to it most likely, but not Father. I don't know if he will go with it... And Crabbe and Goyle were just the first people to come to mind that are allowed in this house," Atlas sighs. "Fine" Autumn sighs, "But we should do it before Cissa, and Lucius get back."

"I want to be able to have everything decorated before they come home," Atlas smiles.
She runs up the stairs and finds Draco's door open, she walks in seeing him lying on his bed with a Potions textbook.
"Get Crabbe and Goyle, come downstairs, and help us get a tree please!!" She smiles at him and turns to run back out of the room and back down the stairs.
After a minute Draco comes down the stairs, his textbook still in hand. "They'll probably be here in a minute or two," Draco said, looking tired.

"Oh, Gosh Draco" Autumn walks over to him and snatches his textbook. "You can Study later." She rolls her eyes. "Hey!" Draco reaches for the textbook but misses. He frowns.

Atlas just grins. Atlas hears a knock at the door and runs to the door. Crabbe and Goyle stood there with sour expressions. Autumn chuckled. "I'll give it back later" 

"Come on you two!! If we want to get a tree and get it put up and decorated in time, then we have to go now!!" Atlas calls through the house at them.
She puts her boots and cloak on and walks outside, shoving past Crabbe and Goyle as she went. She could hear them huff in annoyance, but she just ignores them. Autumn rolls her eyes and follows Atlas outside.

 Atlas reaches a small shed at the edge of the Malfoy property and opens and grabs a couple of axes, she closes the door again. "You ready to look for the perfect tree?" She turns and asks Autumn, smiling. "Yes!" Autumn says grabbing an Axe. "Where should we look first?" she asks looking in the direction of the woods. 

"We should start closer to the house, and never let the house get out of our sight. At least, as a start. And if we do go out of sight of the house, we make sure that we have someone that can still see it that we see them as well," Atlas nods at her. Ever since she was young, Lucius always told her the same things, 'stay on the property 'if you go past then make sure you can still see the house' 'never go further. She never really understood it, but she went with it anyway.
She handed Draco an axe, smiling at him. Autumn walks around looking at the tree "Hmmm. Too big." she points at one. "Too small," she says looking at another one. "Oooo What about this one?" She asks pointing at a nice-looking tree. 

A Hogwarts Story // The Malfoy Family (COMPLETE except for editing)Où les histoires vivent. Découvrez maintenant