Platform 9 and 3/4

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"No, I didn't forget the time! It's just that you're too slow!" Draco snapped.

"So, how do we get to the train?" Autumn asks. She gives Draco a sour look. "Whatever"

Narcissa sighed, "We go to platform 9 and 3/4 at the train station,"

"How do we get there?" Autumn asks walking over and giving Lucius a side hug.

"You remember that door in The Leaky Cauldron? Well, you go through there, and then you're in the..." Lucius shudders, "...the Muggle world. Then we go down to the train station and go through platform 9 and 3/4 and then we're back in the Wizarding world!"

"Ok" Autumn frowned, following them. "Are you coming on the train with us?"

Atlas sees mom and dad share a look, "No, we're not. Once you get on the train you have each other and every other new friend that you might make along the way. But we'll see you at Christmas." Narcissa smiles at us.

"Yeah well, I bet Draco's gonna ditch us as soon as you leave," Autumn mutters.

"I will not abandon my sister!" Draco puffs his chest out, making him look more mature, he drapes his arm around Atlas's shoulders dramatically.
"But what about her best friend?" Atlas raises her eyebrows at him. Draco just scoffed.
She noticed that they were already at the entrance to the train station.

"Wow," Autumn says looking at the ground. "I guess you really don't like me." She sighs as they walk through the muggle train station, "How do we get to our platform?"

"Look for platform 9 and platform 10 and there's a section in between both of them and then you go through the wall," Narcissa smiles.
"Huh? We go through the wall?" Atlas asks with wide eyes.
"You two are useless, yes, we go through the wall," Draco rolls his eyes.

"Why do you have to be so mean!" Autumn says punching him in the arm. She walks over to the section between 9 and 10 and touches the wall and her hand goes through it.

"Be careful and go through it fast, you don't want any of these Muggles seeing you," Lucius looks around at the Muggles in disgust.
"Go through together?" Atlas puts her left hand out for Autumn and her right out for Draco.

"Nah, Draco can go by himself!" Autumn grabs her hand and runs for the wall ended up on the other side, "WHOA"

"Wow!" Atlas says looking around in a circle. Draco pops out right behind us, she grabs his hand so that she didn't lose him in the swarm of wizards and witches going by.
She sees Draco's jaw drop and just smiles.

Autumn frown, "So can we get on?" She looks at Draco. And sees Narcissa and Lucius pop up.

"Go on, children," Narcissa smiles, "the train leaves in only a couple of minutes."
Lucius looked like he wanted to say something but didn't.

"I'm gonna miss you!!" Atlas hugs her Mum and then she goes over and hugs her Father while Draco hugs his Mom.

Autumn stands there watching them hug, sighing. "I wish I could hug my parents..."

"Well, I hope a hug from us will suffice," Narcissa gives Autumn a sad smile and holds out her arms to her. Autumn sadly smiles back and hugs Narcissa. "Thank you"

Atlas hands her trunk to someone on the train.
Draco comes up beside her, "Do you want to sit in the same compartment, or would you rather not?"
"Are you going to be mean to Autumn?"
"I should probably get a different compartment anyways, meet some new people and all that..." Draco avoids looking at her.
"Just check in from time to time, and know that I'll be checking on you too," Atlas smiles. He gets on the train.

A Hogwarts Story // The Malfoy Family (COMPLETE except for editing)Where stories live. Discover now