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"Today we will be making a Hiccoughing Solution," Snape said as he was still walking towards the front of the class.
"He probably is," Atlas whispered to Autumn.
Atlas glances around and sees Evelyn and waves at her.

Autumn puts her head down to avoid eye contact with Snape. She takes out her potions book and Looks for the Hiccoughing Solution Potion.

Atlas slowly flips through that pages, trying to keep herself awake."Professor" Autumn raises her hand slightly. "What-what are the ingredients for this potion, may I ask.?"

"Well, insolent girl, if you actually look at the page then you'll see that all of the ingredients are there," Snape sneered.
Atlas rolls her eyes and slouched in her seat, crossing her arms.

"Moody much." Autumn Mutters, finding the page and finding some ingredients.
"Draco, you are obviously his favorite" She frowns.

"Well, I like to think so," Draco mutters, giving Autumn a slight smile.
Atlas looks around and sees that Hermione has already started on her potion, beside her Harry and Ron were talking to each other and trying to find everything that they need.

Autumn slightly punches Draco in the arm. "Very funny," she says. "Well, we should probably get started" She Frowns. 
"EWWWWW." Autumn scratches. 'One frog brain??" she sticks out her tongue. "Gross"

Draco starts convulsing in laughter at Autumn's reaction.
"Well, you'll have to get used to it cause we have Potions class for the next 5 years if not more!" Draco smiled.
Atlas looks through the cupboards with all of the ingredients. She sees the one that says frog brain and she takes it back over to our tables.
"This looks even worse than it sounds," Atlas frowns, trying not to throw up.
Draco just laughs more.

Autumn frowns.  "gross." She says, adding all the ingredients up and stirring them together. "There," she says

Evenly waves back at Atlas, and couldn't help but laugh at Autumn's reaction to the frog's brain.

'it is pretty gross', She mutters to herself. However, hearing the nearby swishing of Professor Snape's cloak, she immediately buried her head into the Potions book and started her work. -With a few glances at Hermione, who seemed to know exactly what she was doing.

Evelyn sighs "I don't get it, Hermione, how do you have any idea what you're doing?", She asks from her messy workspace.

Hermione gave her a pitiful look, before raising her eyebrows. "Well, I just read around our subjects, and.. do my homework?"

"Ah", Evelyn replies, nodding her head in understanding. "That would seem to be it."

*30 minutes later*

"UGHH!!!" Atlas says, running her hand through her hair, frustrated,
"What is it?" Draco asks, looking back at her from his potion.
"Almost everyone else's looks somewhere around the same color except for mine!" Atlas chucks one of her last few ingredients into the potion, "Even yours looks like it's the same color as Hermione's!" She frowns.
Draco shrugs and turns back around to his own.
Atlas looks at Autumn and watches as she goes from reading the book to putting the ingredients in, she doesn't look frustrated at all.
Atlas sighs.
"Time's up!" Snape calls from the front of the class. Everyone stops what they were doing. Snape starts walking around to each potion, assessing them.
Atlas gets anxious waiting for him to get to hers.

Autumn looks at Atlas. "It's ok!" She whispers to her."I think I did it right," Autumn says looking at the Potion she had just made.

"I don't think I did it right..." Atlas frowns.
Draco turns back and looks at her potion and tries to hold back a laugh.
Atlas narrows her eyes at him and picks up her Potions book and gently hit his head with it.
Snape starts coming towards us, he stops at Autumn to look at hers first.

A Hogwarts Story // The Malfoy Family (COMPLETE except for editing)Tempat cerita menjadi hidup. Temukan sekarang