The Next Morning

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Autumn wakes up and nudges Atlas, as the sun shines into the Common room.
"Wake up."

"Hmmmm...?" Atlas groans, not wanting to open her eyes or get up, "Is today when people leave for Christmas break?" She asks, muttering her words.

"I think so," Autumn says folding up her blanket.

"Hmm..." Atlas shifts and Oliver's book drops onto the floor, she opens her eyes with a jolt, leans over, and picks the book back up.
She yawns and slowly sits up.

Autumn walks up to her dorm, throws the blankets in her truck. and walks back to Atlas.

"Come on!" Autumn pulls on her arm.

Atlas yawns again and quickly fix her messy hair.
"Alright, alright, I'm coming!" She says as Autumn pulls her arm.

Autumn walks out of the common room and towards the Great Hall, "This is our last time in the great hall for a while." She frowns. 

"Yeah, part of me thinks that it sucks that we're going to be leaving for a little while, but the other part of me really just misses Mum," Atlas sighs, looking around at all of the Christmas decorations everywhere. "Yeah, it will be good to be home..." Autumn frowns. "Even if it means I see Draco every day." She looks around and sits at the Gryffindor table. Atlas shrugs, "We can just play hide and seek outside and all that so then we can avoid him when we can," She laughs.

"If you want" Autumn smiles and eats Bacon.

Professor Dumbledore stands up and raises his hands. "This year has been yet another interesting year, I hope you all go home and study hard and enjoy the holiday!" He smiles. "The train will be leaving in about 3 hours so make sure you don't miss it!"

Everyone in the Great Hall started clapping, and Atlas joins in.
"Where's Oliver? I need to give him his book," She whispers to Autumn.

"I'm not sure" Points to the other side of the table. Autumn looks over and sees Draco walk in but ignore him.
"Hope you have a great holiday!" Ron says cheerfully.
"I'll try" Autumn frowns.

"Are you going home for the holidays?" Atlas asks Ron.
"Nah, my parents decided to go to Romania for Christmas, to visit my brother Charlie. He's studying dragons there!" Ron said, staring intently at his chessboard.
"Oh, cool!" Atlas says.
She sees Oliver at the other side of the Gryffindor table, "I'll be right back," she says to Autumn.

"Ok" Autumn smiles. "This is going to be an interesting Holiday. "

Atlas gets up and walks around the table to Oliver Wood. All of his friends look at her and give her weird looks. She nervously takes a deep breath and taps Oliver on the shoulder.
He turns to look at her, "Atlas! Hi!" he smiled.
Atlas smiles back, "You left your book in your common room, and I thought that I'd bring it to you before you forgot it," she held the book out to him.
"Oh! Thanks! I was wondering where I had put that!" He smiled again, taking the book.
"You're welcome," She turns to walk away.
"Hey, Atlas," Oliver calls after her, "Are you going home for the holiday?"
"Yes, I am,"
"Is it ok if I send an owl to you occasionally to talk to you? I mean, if not that's fine, but it's fun to talk to you, so I just thought maybe-" He rambled.
"Yeah! Sure! It'll be nice!" Atlas smiles and gives him a small wave and walks back around the table and sit next to Autumn again, "Ahhhhh!" she said feeling her face burning.

"Told you someone has a crush." Autumn smiles, she looks at the time and sighs, "We better go get packed." She stands up. 

"Shhhh, don't tell anyone," Atlas blushes and laughs, "Yeah... that means I have to go all of the ways to the dungeons!!" She sighs.

"If you want you can come to help me then I can come with you?" Autumn suggests.

Atlas smiles, "Sure! Sounds good to me!" She starts walking out of the Great Hall.
Right before I leave, she stops and turns back, waiting for Autumn.
She sees Draco look at her and then he immediately looked away, she knew that once we leave, he'd be going to his dorm to pack.
She also sees Oliver looking at her, smiles, and waves at him.

Autumn walks towards the Gryffindor common room, walks inside the dorm, she starts packing.
"It's going to be sad leaving this place." she shrugs. "But at the same time good to be home"

"Well, think of it this way, in 2 or 3 weeks we're gonna be back here," Atlas says, flopping on Autumn's bed while she packs.

"Yeah true." Autumn smiles and finishes packing. "There," She says walking over to her snowy Owl and letting her out of her cage "Go." She says smiling and letting her out of the window. "I'll see you in a bit"

She turns to look at Atlas "Alright, let's go do you next"

"Alrighty then." Atlas smiles.
We go down to the Slytherin Common Room and Atlas went to her dorm and started packing up her stuff.

Autumn lays on her bed, "At least you have a nice-looking room." She smiles. 

"Hmm... I love the green color," Atlas smiles and turns in a circle, looking at everything.
"Maybe I should paint my room at home to a green color instead of the pinkish-grey that I have as the paint now... I should also get some Quidditch stuff and put it up in my room too," Her thoughts drift off.

Autumn chuckles. "I see you are in la-la land" She frowns. "Oh yeah, Quidditch was canceled, by the way, they'll probably have a match in the new year."

"Oh man, I was looking forward to that. Though I suppose, they can't really play Quidditch when half of the school has gone home for the holidays," Then Atlas remembered, "Oh yeah! Oliver said that he was going to send me letters over the break..." She smiles without realizing it. She glances up and looks at Autumn and blushes, "Don't you dare say anything about that too or around Mum, Dad, or Draco, if we even talk to Draco that is," She smiles.

Autumn laughs. "I'll try, and HECK NO, I ain't talking to that dwip ever again." She hisses sitting up.

Atlas smiles, "Ok," She finishes packing up her trunk and snaps it shut.
She lets her cat, Bastet, out of his cage for a few minutes before having to be shut in the cage on the train.

Autumn looks at the time, "We should get going." She frowns. "Probably head to the train" "Yeah," Atlas picks up her trunk and starts leaving the dorm.

We walk out of the castle and towards the train. Autumn waves at the trio as they get on the train. "Do we have to wait for Draco?" She frowns. 

"He can find his way on his own," Atlas says hopping onto the train and then waiting for Autumn before going to find a seat.

"Good" Autumn follows her on the train, and we sit in an empty compartment. She yawns and fall asleep.

A Hogwarts Story // The Malfoy Family (COMPLETE except for editing)Where stories live. Discover now