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"Poor, Neville," Atlas says as we walk through the castle.

" 'Poor, Neville'," Draco mocks her, "Poor Neville nothing. He should have known to listen to Hooch instead of thinking he could ride that broom. Honestly, he has no brains at all,"

Atlas frowns at Draco, "Just because you don't like him doesn't mean other people aren't friends with him."

"Whatever," Draco sees Crabbe and Goyle and leaves us to go over to them.

"Want to go for a walk before we go to our dorms?" Atlas asks Autumn.

"Sure" Autumn replies.

We walk through one of the corridors on the fourth floor.
"Things seem to be better with you and Draco now, what happened?" Atlas asks Autumn as we walked.

"I talked to him..." Autumn grins. "I don't hate him, it's just hard to be friends with him when he's being rude all the time." She smiles. "Now the question is what happened with you!"

Atlas sighs, "I left the Hall at lunch and followed Pansy to the Second Floor Girls' Bathroom, which looked like it was abandoned by the way, and we got into an argument and she got super mad and ran at me and punched me," She pointed to a bruise on her jaw, "and then I hit her, and then that continued for a minute or two and then she threw a jinx at me that exploded a mirror that was behind me," She pointed to a few cuts on the side of her face.

She stopped talking as a pair of other students walk past.

"And then I threw a jinx at her and she somehow dodged it. Then Pansy was distracted by trying to focus on something and I ran at her and punched her as hard as I could, and she went down. Then I left the bathroom and told some Ravenclaw first year that she should get Madame Pomfrey because there was a girl in there that wasn't doing so well." She smiles, "But it was worth it," she says looking at Autumn.

"You know you could get expelled for that..." Autumn frowns.

"For the jinxes, yes, but she tried to jinx me first. For the fight in general, no, not really, just get points docked. Also, she punched me first, but no one else saw it and that girl doesn't know who I am, so I think I'm fine," Atlas smiles at Autumn, trying to let her know that it's fine.
"And, I protect the people I love. I especially protect them from wankers like Pansy." she smiles again.

Autumn smiles. "Thanks," She says

"Where are you two going?" A cold voice says behind them.

Autumn turns around to see Snape staring at us, "Um..."

"Sorry, Professor, we were just going for a walk before heading to bed." Atlas looks around to see if we were in an area that we weren't supposed to be in, but it didn't look like it, "We'll just be off now."

"I don't think so," Snape says.

"Why not? We aren't doing anything wrong," Altas says incredulously.

Autumn looks around. "Sir, we've done nothing wrong... can we please go?"

"Professor McGonagall is wanting to see both of you and sent me to find you," His voice drawled on.

"Why?" Atlas asks.

"Even if I knew I wouldn't tell you, Ms.Malfoy, now both of you come with me and I will lead you because clearly, you don't know where you're going." Snape dramatically turned around.

Atlas gives Autumn a confused and alarmed look.

We follow Snape.

"Did we do something wrong?" Atlas whispers to Autumn.

Autumn shrugs. "I don't know, " She whispers as we walk into a room.

"Ah, nice of you to join us," I hear Professor McGonagall's voice say from the other side of the room.

"Um, you wanted to see us?" Autumn frowns and Snape walks to the side of the room.

"Yes. in fact we wanted Mr.Malfoy here too but apparently he's too sound asleep," McGonagall said.

Atlas heard movement to her right and saw the little Ravenclaw girl from earlier shuffle out of the shadows.

"Did Draco do something wrong?" Autumn frowns. "I'm confused Professor." She sees the other girl. 

"I understand..." Atlas takes a deep breath, trying to calm her nerves.

"Oh, do you, Ms.Malfoy? Well, then you should understand the consequences of what you did." McGonagall said.

"Ms.Malfoy has injured another student and now has to pay the price, Ms.Black," Snape sneered, "And we heard that you and Mr.Malfoy knew about it all, so that's why you've been called here as well,"

"Actually Draco doesn't know anything about it..." Autumn tries to stand up for him. "He shouldn't be in trouble..."

"Don't lie, Ms.Black," McGonagal looked over her glasses at Autumn, "I know that Mr.Malfoy does know about it, especially considering that it was his own sister that did it."

Atlas swallows, "Don't get either of them in trouble, please, Professors. I will accept my punishment and consequences for what I did, but please don't bring them into it any more than they already are!" unexpected urgency came into her voice.

"Professor if I must..." Autumn starts. "The last thing Draco talked about was with me and our friendship, I learned about the accident after I talked to Draco. He has no knowledge of what has been done, only that something happened and he doesn't know about it. so please if you will, let him be. " She frowns.

"Stop it!" Atlas quietly hisses at Autumn. "Please, Professors, I know that what I did was wrong and that I shouldn't have done it. But I have a very strict 'No Bullying Policy' and Pansy was going against that policy," I put up my hand as McGonagall opened her mouth to add something,

"Please, let me finish. It started out as just an argument and then she threw the first punch at me, she also shot the first jinx at me. I call that it was self-defense. But please, leave Draco and Autumn out of it! They did nothing wrong, either of them."
McGonagall became silent for a few minutes.

Autumn opens her mouth to say something but decides not to. She looks over at Snape who has a cold look on his face.

"Ms.Malfoy, I'm going to assume that everything you said is true, and you're not going to get any major punishments. Though 20 points will be taken from Slytherin for your actions, and you will get a month's detention." McGonagall said.
Snape scowled at McGonagall.
"Thank you, Professors," Atlas sighs, mildly relieved.
"Now, off to bed you two, and tell Mr.Malfoy in the morning that he's off the hook." McGonagall gave us a slight smile.

"Thank you." Autumn nods and walks off. "Next time don't beat someone up" She sighs walking towards the common rooms.

"I won't," Atlas says, "unless Pansy is rude again," She says under her breath, "Good night,"
Atlas goes to her common room and then to her dorm and crashes on the bed.

"Night" Autumn says slipping into her common room dorm and heading to bed.

A Hogwarts Story // The Malfoy Family (COMPLETE except for editing)Where stories live. Discover now