Going Home

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"Come on now, hurry up. You'll be late. The train's leaving. Go on. Go on. Come on. Hurry up." Hagrid says.
"Come on, Harry," Hermione says.
" One minute," Harry says walking over to Hagrid.
"Thought you were leaving without saying goodbye, did ya?" Hagrid smiles.
"Thanks, Hagrid." Harry smiles giving Hagrid a hug.
"Oh. Go on...on with you, Oh, listen, Harry, if that dolt of a cousin of yours, Dudley, gives you any grief, you could always, um, threaten him with a nice pair of ears to go with that tail of his." Hagrid chuckles.

"Well, this is it" Autumn turns to Atlas and frowns. "Oh, come are you still upset about the house cup?" she nudges Draco.

Draco rolled his eyes, "Whatever," He went on the train to find Crabbe and Goyle.
"Don't worry about him," Atlas said, sighing.
"I'm really gonna miss this school... even if we are just coming back in 2 or 3 months," she frowned.

Autumn sighs and watches the Trio get on the train. "Yeah." she looks around. "Come on." she says taking her arm and walking onto the train. "Do you wanna sit alone or with some others?" she asks.

"Whatever you do." A cold voice came behind us. "Don't sit with us." Pansy hisses pushing by us and into a compartment. "Maybe, just for that, I will sit with you, and I will make sure that you know how much I hate you, Parkinson," Atlas snaps at her.

She tugs at Autumn's arm, "Come on, let's go follow Harry, Hermione, and Ron to the compartment that they go to," she said. Autumn blinks a few times but shrugs and follow her into the compartment the trio was sitting in.

"So." Ron started. "A needle and thread," Atlas tries to hold back a smile.

Hermione looks at her in confusion. "Well then this has been an interesting year," Harry says.

"Bet ya anything, next year will be weirder." Ron says.
"Oh come on what could go Wrong" Autumn shrugs.

"A lot." Harry and Ron say together. 

Atlas laughs.
She sees movement by the compartment door and then the door slides open.
"Anything from the trolley, dears?" The lady asked.
"Um, some Bertie Bott's Every Flavour Beans and Chocolate Frogs, please," she said.

The others grab a few things.
"I'm good thanks." Autumn sits back and leans her head against the back of the seat.

"I can't believe that we're not going back for a couple of months..." Atlas sighed.
"Promise you'll write? All three of you!" Atlas looked at the Golden Trio.

Autumn smiles.

They all nodded,
"Keep you busy hopefully." Ron says.
"Yeah, it'll keep you busy while gosh knows what Malfoy will be doing." Hermione hisses.
"I... Who knows." Autumn shrugs.

"Watch out he may owl back and forth with Pansy" Harry noted.
Autumn looks down and stays silent.

"If that happens then trust me, I'll know, and I'll be sending her a Howler," Atlas grins mischievously.

She slightly leans against Autumn, "I'm going to miss a certain person though..." she sighs.

Autumn smiles and pats her head. "Mmm, Careful you may get an owl from Mr. Wood." she smiles and wink at the others.

"OOoo Atlas likes Oliver wood now does she?" Ron sings out.

Atlas blushes, "Tell the whole school, why don't you," she laughs.
"I hope none of you have an issue with it though..." she says shyly. We all burst out laughing,

"I think we can handle it." Harry winks 

Atlas feels her face burn and just smiles.
"I do hope I can see him again before we have to go home though," she sighs, reaching up and running her hand through her hair.
"I also hope that Draco won't be super rude and insufferable this summer," she opened up a chocolate frog, the frog jumping out.

Autumn frowns and looks out the window, "Who knows what will happen." she looks up. "Hey. we didn't tell you this, but Atlas and I, plus Draco once he actually put his stinking book away, put a Christmas tree up, and decorated the house, I was surprised that their parents were not mad about it." 

"I think Mum just wanted Christmas to be fun for us," Atlas said thoughtfully. "Yeah, more than your father," Autumn sighed looking down, sometimes he was scary. She looked outside and the train had slowly started to slow down to a stop. 

"Oh! We're almost there!" Atlas says excitedly.
Harry frowned, "I wish I didn't have to go back to the Dursleys," 

"It's only for the summer..." Ron says.
Autumn looks at Atlas.
"I mean next Summer you could all stay at the burrow!" Ron suggested

"If Father will permit it then I'm all for it!!" Atlas grins and looks at Autumn.
The train progressively gets slower.

"Well, I hope so!" Autumn frowns, "I'm not spending the whole summer without you!"

"And I'm NOT spending the whole summer with only Draco for company," Atlas laughs.

A Hogwarts Story // The Malfoy Family (COMPLETE except for editing)Where stories live. Discover now