The Next Morning

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Autumn groans waking up to the sunlight coming into her room
"Are you up yet,?" Hermione asks
"No." She frowns sitting up. Autumn changes into clean robes and we both head into the common room.
"Good morning, guys," Ron says as he's playing a game of chess with Harry.
"It's Saturday!" Harry says with a sigh of relief
"Great! I'm going back to sleep!" Autumn says walking back into my door.

Autumn hears a knock on to dorm door.
"Autumn, are you coming? We're heading down to the Great hall to eat." She hears Hermione say.
Autumn yawns sitting back up.
"Yeah, I'm coming," She replies walking out of the room and towards the Great Hall with them.


Atlas wakes up and stares at the green lights in her dorm, She knew that it's Saturday but she still didn't want to get up. Her brain is still trying to sort out her having gotten in trouble.
She groaned, sitting up. She sees that no one else in the dorm is still here. She sighs, getting out of bed. She changes into her robes.
Atlas goes down to the common room and finds that Draco is the only one there.
"Heard you got in trouble and almost got Autumn and I in trouble too," He said, with his back to her.
"Yeah, but it's all sorted out," She says, wanting to go back to bed now.
"That's not the point," He turned to face her.
"Draco, I'm sorry, but I'm not dealing with any of this, this morning," Atlas says, walking past him and out of the common room, heading to the Great Hall.

"I had the weirdest dream last night." Ron starts.
"Was it about spiders," Harry asks chuckling.
"As a matter of fact, yes, it was," Ron says confused. "How'd you know?"
"Lucky guess?" Harry shrugs and we enter the great hall.

There's a large group of Ravenclaw kids packed together in her way in front of the Great Hall. One of them turned around and saw her and then started nudging their friends. Atlas continued to walk towards them, She didn't want to wait for them to move, she'd shove them if she needed to.
Soon all of the kids were looking at her and they all moved away as she walked through the group.
Draco runs up behind her and they back off more.
Atlas looks around at the group and sighs.
"You've now got a nice reputation going for you," Draco whispers snarkily to her.
"Shut up," She hisses back at him.
Atlas enters the Great Hall and goes to the Slytherin table and sits down next to Astoria and one of her friends. She sees Autumn enter the Great Hall with the Golden Trio.

Autumn smiles and playfully punches Ron in the arm.
"Don't worry, I hate spiders too."
"You're afraid of a lot of things Ron." Hermione laughs.
"Very funny." Ron frowns.
"Hey. Where did Harry go?" Autumn asks looking behind us.
"He was right behind us a minute ago..." Ron replies.
"Well I mean he couldn't have just disappeared," Hermione says.
"Let's just eat and if he's still not back after we eat then we should go look for him," Autumn replies sitting down at the Gryffindor table.
"Hey, where Harry?" Oliver asks as we sit down.
"Don't know," Ron replies.
"We're wondering the same thing," Hermione says.
"I gotta talk to him about Quidditch." Wood replies.
"If we see him will tell him you want to talk to him," Autumn answers.
"Ok thanks." Wood smiles and goes back to reading.

Atlas eats her breakfast and then looks up and saw that Harry wasn't with everyone else.
Atlas taps Astoria's arm, "I'll be back," She told her, standing up, she nodded at her.
Atlas went over to the Gryffindor table.
She stands behind Oliver Wood and looks at Autumn and Hermione, "Where'd Harry go? I saw him come in with you but then he disappeared,"
When she spoke she caused Oliver to jump because he didn't know that she was behind him, "Sorry," Atlas says quietly to him.

"It's ok," Oliver says slightly smiling and going back to his reading.
"We don't know," Ron says.
"No clue, We're gonna go look for him if he's not here after we eat," Autumn tells her. She gets up and walks over to Atlas pulling her aside.
"How are you doing," Autumn asks her.

A Hogwarts Story // The Malfoy Family (COMPLETE except for editing)حيث تعيش القصص. اكتشف الآن