The Next Day

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"Wake up Autumn!" Hermione shakes Autumn.
"Wa..." Autumn mumbles.
"We're gonna be late for class and we gotta go eat!" She explains. "Wake up."
Autumn yawns and sits up "Ok, ok I'm up." She hops out of bed and slips her Gryffindor robe on.
"Are you guys ready yet!?" Autumn hears Ron banging on the door.
"One second!" Hermione says finishing up.
"Ok, I'm ready." Autumn tries to smile.
"Good!" Hermione says, linking arms with Autumn, they walk out of the dorm, and towards the Great hall with Harry and Ron.


Atlas woke up an hour before she needed to and found that she couldn't go back to sleep.
She gets changed and then went down to the common room and sat on a couch, deciding to wait for Draco to get up.
When he finally did and came down to the common room he looked at me in surprise.
"You're up already? I figured that I'd have to send someone in to wake you up. not have you already awake and waiting." he said.
Atlas just shrugs, "Come on let's go, you're slow enough as it is,"
Draco rolls his eyes and nods his head to the door, Atlas gets up and walks out first.
We walk together to the Great Hall.

Autumn and the other three reach the Great Hall just as some of the Slytherins do, She sees Altas and runs over to her giving her a hug.
"Good Morning sleepy!" Autumn says putting her arms around her, trying not to pay attention to Draco standing there.

Atlas gives Autumn a big hug, "Good morning sleepy to you too."
"You excited for classes today?" Atlas asks her.
"We have every class together today..." Draco says quietly.

"Oh come on, what's so bad about that?" Autumn frowns looking at Draco.
We walk towards the Great Hall.

He glared at you, "A lot is wrong with that, starting with the fact that you're in it." He practically spat.
Atlas hits his arm.
She walks with Autumn to the Gryffindor table.
"May I sit at this table with all of you?" She ask an older Gryffindor student, he just focused on his newspaper.
Their friend nudged them, "Come on, Wood, they're waiting for an answer."
"Huh?" The guy, Wood, looked up at me, "Oh, yeah you can I guess,"

"Draco, Ah, why do you have to be so rude!" Autumn Puffs. "Maybe people would like you if you started being nicer." She walks away towards the Gryffindor Table.
Autumn smiles and sits down next to Hermione.
"What was that about?" She asks.
"Draco being Draco." She frowns sadly.

"I don't understand it," Atlas says, "Draco's fine when it's just me and him, he's caring and funny and all that, but the moment that there's someone else then he gets all snotty and mean." She frowns.
"Well, he is a Malfoy after all," Ron looked up from his food, "No offense to the Malfoys of course," he said hastily, looking at her.
"I wish that he was the same with other people as he is with me. But I think that if that ever happens then it'll take time." Atlas looks down at her plate and then shoves it away, not hungry anymore.

"Maybe I should start pretending that I like him, and agree with everything he does," Autumn laughs. "See how well the joke goes on for."

"YO! ATLAS! Come and join us!!" A Slytherin girl yells from the other table.
Atlas sighs, "I wouldn't suggest doing that, because his reaction would not go over well, for anyone." she frowns, "Guess I've been called...." She stands up and turns to leave the table. She catches Wood's eye and he gives me a confused look.
"I'll see you in first class," Atlas tells Autumn.

"Sure." Autumn frowns watching her leave. She picks up a piece of bacon and eats it.
"We should probably get going," Hermione says. "It's almost class time."

"We'll catch up with you, Ron forgot something in the common room," Harry said, standing up with Ron.

"Ok," Autumn says getting up and walking towards our first class with Hermione.

The girl that had called me over was named Astoria, Astoria Greengrass. She was really nice, she wanted to introduce Atlas to some other kids and wanted to see if we could possibly be friends.
After a few minutes, Snape came over and told us that we needed to get going to first class.
So we walked to first class, and soon Draco caught up with us too. But his presence scared Astoria so she left.
We got into the Transfiguration class and Atlas immediately started looking for Autumn.

"Watch where you're going, clutz" Draco snapped at Autumn and then walks away to the other side of the classroom.
Atlas opens her mouth to say something but then closed it again, knowing that no matter what she says it won't help.
She sighed, "Come on, let's find a spot to sit," She starts walking towards an empty seat on the other side of the class from Draco, "How's this?"

"Not good enough!" Autumn says almost in tears and runs outside of the classroom and down the stairs.
"Is she ok?" Hermione asks worriedly. 

"No," Atlas frowns, "no, she's not."
She sees Draco staring at her and just glares at him.
"Professor! Hermione and I need to go to Autumn! We'll be back in a little I promise, we'll also catch up on everything that we miss!" Atlas calls to McGonagall. McGonagall just nods.

Hermione and Altas run out of the classroom and down the stairs to Autumn; who was at the bottom of the stairs, crying.

"Autumn?" Hermione asks.
"Go away," Autumn says putting her head down.

"Yeah right." Atlas says, "You can wish us away all you want, but we're not going anywhere. Me especially." She puts her hand on Autumn's shoulder.
"What's wrong, Autumn?" Hermione asked, kneeling down in front of her.

"Draco... It's always him, You always have to like the one guy who completely hates you." Autumn buries her head into her hands. "It hurts"

"Not always, and even if he does hate you like he makes it seem, then someday you're going to find someone that doesn't hate you. I know that it's hard but try and move past what he says, take his rudeness as compliments, and fire them back at him. You don't need to like someone that likes you back to be happy. Some people are complete a-holes, and that's the way that they're going to be, we just need to move past it. I'm going to try and talk to him, just see why he acts the way that he does." Atlas slightly smiles at Autumn.
"Hmm, wise words!" Hermione nods and smiles.

"Hard to get over someone when you've liked them for a long time." Autumn frowns looking up and wiping her face,

"I didn't say that you had to get over him, I just said that you have to move past what he says and does. And if he knows that this stuff bothers you so much then he's going to continue to do it, more than usual, because the moment that he met people on that train he changed. I can help you learn to not be so bothered by what he says, but you have to try. If he knows that you have a weakness for him and that what he says has effects on you then it's only going to get worse." Atlas pulls Autumn into a hug.
Hermione pulls out a handkerchief and hands it to her.

Autumn sniffs and hugs her back. "thanks" She sighs. "you're the best" she tries to smile.

"Want to try and go back to class? McGonagall is expecting us to come back at some point..." Atlas stands up and puts her hands out to help Autumn stand up.

"I guess," Autumn says taking her hands and standing up.

Atlas puts her arms around Autumn's waist, "Now, I've been thinking, What would a good prank  to pull on Draco be?" Hermione and Atlas laugh.

"OOOO" Autumn smiles walking towards the class "like what?"

"I'm not sure yet, but I'm thinking that we should try and conspire with the apparent 'prank' Masters' of the school, Fred and George Weasley. Cause I'm sure that they could give us some ideas," She laughs again.

Autumn smiles. "ok" we walk into the classroom and Autumn looks down.
Harry waves at us. "Thre you are!" He sees Autumn. "Is she ok?"

"She'll be ok! Time will heal things." Atlas smiles at her, "Sorry Professor, what'd we miss?"
'well, there's going to be homework for you three because you took so long to get back, and everyone else is almost done," McGonagall said.
"Ok, thank you, Professor," Atlas says, taking her seat next to Autumn.

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