Finding Atlas

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Autumn woke up with tears in her eyes, she did not just have that dream. she changes and walks out of the door alone. She walks towards the Great hall, suddenly stopped by Snape.

Autumn looks down sadly. "Sorry Professor," she says walking away

"Ms.Black... Assuming that I actually do care, are you alright?" Snape said with his usual drawl as Autumn walks past.

Autumn sighs. "No. I'm not" She sits on a bench outside of the Hall. "everything's so messed up. Having feelings for someone, all these weird things happening, wanting to explore, but not wanting to get hurt or hurt my friends" Autumn buries her face in her hands.

"Well... It sounds like you have something that you need to talk to your friends about then. A teacher can only give so much advice and mine is to talk to them and understand things with them," Snape said, "And if anyone asks... I didn't help you...." Snape briskly walks away.


Draco got woken up by Blaise constantly falling over from a jinx that Crabbe and Goyle put on him. He yawned and frowned, getting up. After Draco got changed he went down into the common room.
"Draco? Do you know where Atlas is?" Astoria came up to Draco and asked.
"No, not since last night. I thought that she had or would have come here unless she came here and then left again...." Draco frowned, concerned.
"No one's seen her..." Astoria looked sad and confused.
Draco left the common room and walked up to the Great Hall, expecting to see me and Autumn sitting at a table together, but instead seeing neither of us.

In the Great Hall. Draco sees Oliver Wood and goes over to him, thinking only of Atlas and Autumn, not of the rivalry of Gryffindor and Slytherin.
"Hey, Wood!" Draco calls. Oliver turns around and glares and Draco.
"What do you want, Malfoy?!" Oliver snapped.
"Have you seen Atlas or Autumn?! Atlas walked away from us last night and she hasn't been seen since and I just haven't seen Autumn yet this morning. I'm concerned for Atlas and I thought that maybe you might have seen her," Draco said, his face lined with worry.
Oliver's expression softens, "Oh... I'll ask around and we'll search for her in a little,"
"Thanks," Draco frowned and walked to his table. He heard some kids talking about him and he just turned and glared at them.

Autumn walks up to the Astronomy Tower, puts her hood up, she stops at the stairs.
"Atlas?" she frowns. 

Atlas still passed out from crying herself to sleep, but in the dream that's going on she can faintly hear someone calling her name... it sounds so real...

Autumn walks up to her and slightly shakes her. "Atlas! Wake up"

Atlas jolts awake.
She sees Autumn standing there and her eyes fill with tears again. She just looks away from her and sets her head against the bars of the railing. A tear slides down her face.
"What?" Atlas asks softly, a lump in her throat.
Atlas didn't want to do anything today. She just wants to sit up here in the Astronomy Tower all day and not deal with anything. She especially didn't want to have to do classes.

Autumn sighs and sits next to her. "Are you ok?" she asks leaning her head on Atlas's shoulder.

"Yeah, I'm fine," Atlas says, but then she breaks down crying.
Atlas leans over and hugs Autumn, still crying.
"I'm sorry," Atlas mutters.

"For what?" Autumn says putting her arm around Atlas. "I'm the one who keeps walking off..." She sighs. "I'm sorry."

"But I'm always the one that gets upset about it, and then everyone looks at me like I'm crazy and overreacting about it," Atlas chokes on her words.

"It's ok.- I overthink everything." Autumn pauses. "wanna go do something fun?" She smiles.

"Sure, but I hope it doesn't include going to class," Atlas lets out a choked laugh, wiping her eyes with the edge of her robe.

"I need a bucket, filled with water, a little rope, and to get into the Slytherin room." Autumn chuckles.

"Huh? Why?" Atlas looks at her confused."Remember that idea to prank someone?" Autumn asks standing up and reaching down to give her a hand."Oh!! YESSS!!!!" Atlas grins and takes her hand.Autumn smiles and pulls her up, "Ok let's go!! I think I have some stuff in my dorm, but will have to be careful""I can easily get some rope!" Atlas says, now excited.Autumn smiles. "Ok ok." we walk down the tower and towards the Gryffindor Common room. "Let's try not to get caught hah""No problem, I'm good at not being seen," Atlas sneaks away to go get the rope.

Autumn smiles, walking into the Common room,
"What are you doing." Someone asks, and she slightly jumps
"Oh hi, Hermione what are you doing," Autumn asks.
"About to go to class, what about you." She asks.
"Pulling a prank on the Slytherin boys" Autumn smiles. "Don't give me away!" She asks
"I won't" She smiles and hurries off.
She grabs a bucket and walks out back to where the Slytherin room was.

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