Quidditch Match

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"GO GO GRYFFINDOR!!!" Atlas cheers along with the Gryffindors at the Quidditch match. This is the second match since we got back from Christmas break. The game is Gryffindor against Ravenclaw. Atlas laughs and looks at Autumn, a huge smile on her face.

Autumn playfully rolls her eyes. "Keeping a sharp eye on Wood are you?" She chuckles.

Atlas laughs and blushes, "Keeping a sharp eye on Draco, are you?" she fires back, a grin on her face. She looks to her left and sees Hermione and Ron cheering Harry on with huge smiles on their faces. 

"Oh, shut it!" Autumn says looking at the ground. "Am not!" She says but looks up and spots Draco at the other end. "What do you think is gonna happen with Pansy around... I don't want to see her again." Autumn whispers. "I think that she'll try and make her moves but other than that, I don't think you have much to worry about," Atlas says, glancing over and seeing Pansy a couple of rows above Draco. She frowns, "At least, if she tries anything more then we know that I'm going to be getting in trouble," she slightly smiles.

"When you see her just look away and ignore her, no matter how hard that is," Atlas looks at Autumn with a melancholy smile on her face. 

Autumn nods slightly. "And Draco..." she frowns looking over at him, realizing two sec after that they had made eye contact and she quickly look away. "I don't think you have to worry about him either. He might be the school bully and he might be friends with some bad people, but I think he understands those he's kind to, will be kind to him. He's terrified of losing people and he's terrified of Father when Father's mad," Atlas shrugs. She glances out into the pitch just in time to see Oliver hit the Quaffle away from the Gryffindor hoops and smiles. Autumn slightly shivers. "Yeah, scary Lucius is well... Scary." She continues watching the game as the players score in the air. 

Atlas watches in horror as someone on the Ravenclaw team hits a bludger towards Oliver and it hit him square in the chest and he fell off his broom.
"No!" She says quietly, not knowing what to do.

Autumn gasps in shock and grabs Atlas's arm. "Stay," she tells her putting an arm around her. Tears well up in Atlas eyes, "Oh gosh, I hope he's okay!" she says leaning close to the railing to see what was going on. Autumn gives a weak smile. "We can go check up on him after."

After the game as everyone started filing back to the Castle, Atlas wove around people as fast as she could, dragging Autumn along behind her. 

They had taken Oliver away on a stretcher which means that they had taken him to the Hospital Wing. Atlas wanted to make sure that he was going to be okay.

"Atlas!" Autumn says trying to keep up and almost tripped. She waits until everyone clears out and then follows her to the hospital wing. Atlas runs through the halls to the Hospital Wing.

She gets to the doors right as Professor McGonagall comes out of them, shutting the doors behind her as she does, and stares at her.  

"Ms. Malfoy... Where are you off to in a hurry?" McGonagall asks.
Autumn catches up to Atlas out of breath. "Sorry, Professor, I had to come and see Oliver. Is he alright?" Atlas asks McGonagall worriedly.

She quickly glances back as Autumn came up behind her. 

McGonagall sighs, "Yes, he will be ok," She raises an eyebrow, "Why would you, a Slytherin be worried about a Gryffindor?"

Autumn comes up beside her, "Long st-story Professor." she says out of breath. "Can we go check on him?"
"Yes, only for a few minutes though" The Professor says walking off.

"Thank you, Professor!!" Atlas calls as she walks away. She pushes open the doors and cautiously walk in. She sees Madame Pomfrey tending to someone at the very end of the room, and she sees that it's Oliver. She looks back at Autumn, making sure that she was still with her. Autumn chuckles and follows behind her.

Madame Pomfrey looks up as Atlas walks towards the bed.
She sighs in resignation, "Alright, you two, 10 minutes and then you have to leave. Mr. Wood needs his rest," she turned and walked away to go to another patient at the other side of the room. Oliver opens his eyes and looks over at them. "Atlas... what are you" he laughs. "Doing here?"

"Came to make sure you weren't dead, silly," Atlas slightly smiled at him.

Oliver smiled, "Someone worried about me huh?" He winks.
"Well, that's because." Autumn covers her mouth before she can say anything else.

"You're my friend, of course, I was worried. You also got hit square in the chest by a bloody Bludger," Atlas said, trying not to blush gently kicking Autumn's ankle. Oliver smiles. "Don't worry, I'm a tough man." He chuckles and Autumn lets out a laugh. Atlas smiles and shakes her head, "Yeah, how many times is this that you've been knocked off your broom or knocked out in general?" She asked him, raising her eyebrows."Um, only once." Oliver chuckles.
Atlas laughs, "Well make sure that it doesn't happen again. I don't want to be running to the Hospital Wing every time, worried that you might have died or lost a limb," she smiles at him. "Sure, M'lady." Oliver Chuckles. 

Atlas felt herself blush. She was saved by Madame Pomfrey, who had just come up behind us.
"Time's up!" She said, bustling past us to the side of the bed.
"Bye, Oliver," Atlas says, smiling at him and starting to walk away.
"Now, time for you to rest Mr.Wood," She heard Madame Pomfrey say.
She glanced back and saw Oliver watching her, she blushed even more and hurried out of the Hospital wing with Autumn.

Autumn tries to hold in a laugh and as soon as we get outside of the doors, she starts laughing her head off. "Bahah I think he likes you.""No!!" Atlas lightly hits Autumn's shoulder and gently pushed her, "No he doesn't, why would he? I'm sure that he's just being really nice," She blushes and tries not to smile.Autumn chuckles. "MMhm" We walk out and into the corridor. "What do we have next? I completely forget." "Umm, don't we have Charms class?" Atlas says frowning.

 "Oh." Autumn frowns. "Maybe" we walk through the halls to find the classroom.

A Hogwarts Story // The Malfoy Family (COMPLETE except for editing)Where stories live. Discover now