Snowball Fight

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Autumn walks outside and picks up a handful of snow that had fallen over the night.
"Atlas duck" She Yells putting the snow into a ball and heaving it right at Draco who had just walked outside.

Atlas quickly crouches down without thinking about it.
The snowball hits Draco directly in the face.
Her eyes go wide and she freezes, She sees him stand there in complete silence as the snow slowly melts on his face.
"Is that how we're gonna do this, is it?" Draco says, slowly leaning down and getting a ball of snow. He throws it at Autumn.

"Hey!" Autumn screeches, picking up another snowball and throwing it at him.

Draco easily dodges the snowball. He picks up more snow and chucks it at Atlas, hitting her in the back of the head.
Atlas picks up two snowballs, and chuck one at Draco and one at Autumn. She then runs and hides behind one of the hedges on the side of the driveway.

Autumn slightly laughs, she picks up more snow and creeps towards the hedge,
"BOO," Autumn says throwing snow at Atlas, chuckling.

"Ahh!!" Atlas giggles and dramatically falls backward as the snow hits her.
She picks up a snowball and chucks it back at her.

Autumn laughs and falls into the snow beside her. "This is fun," she says with a grin on her face turning to her.

Atlas grins back at her. She looks over and sees Draco slowly trying to sneak up on us from the other side of the hedge, a snowball in each hand.
She gets up and runs around the back way and sneakily follows him as he goes to go around the hedge.
"Got you!!" She calls, running at him and tackling him.
Atlas gets up again and runs back over to Autumn.

Autumn laughs and sits up. She looks over at Draco and sighs. She stands up and grabs a thick tree branch to swing on,

"If you fall then I'm going to laugh and then after I stop laughing, I'll offer to help you," Draco said, still laying in the snow.

Autumn looks at him and shrugs, she reaches for another branch and pulls herself up so she's sitting on it.

"I would join you, but the snow is kind of comfy..." Atlas says.
Draco picks up snow from where he's lying and chucks it over at Atlas.
"You missed!" She calls, laughing.

Autumn slightly smiles and let's go of the tree for two seconds and almost slips, but she catches herself before falling.

Draco looks up quickly when he saw Autumn almost fall. He settled back down and acted as nothing happened.
Atlas gets up and runs at the tree next to the one that Autumn is on. She jumps at a branch and agilely pulls herself up and balances herself. She carefully stands up on the branch and lung to the tree that Autumn is on, then carefully sits down on the branch next to Autumn.
"Hello there," She grins.

Autumn chuckles ignoring Draco. "Hi," she says leaning on Atlas's shoulder. "What do you think we're gonna get for Christmas?" She asks. 

"Well, I'm hoping that I get the newest broomstick," Draco said sassily.
Atlas rolls her eyes, "A lump of coal is more likely," She grins at Autumn, throwing some snow off the branch onto Draco.

Autumn laughs, "Yes, although a new broom would be nice too." She chuckles. 

"Honestly I'm kind of hoping for some books about Quidditch," Atlas says slightly shyly.
"Why? You rarely even read," Draco said, giving Atlas a confused look.
Atlas feels her face flush, "I like reading,"

Autumn grins, "She likes reading with Oliver," she says nudging her.

"The Gryffindor? The Fifth year Gryffindor Keeper?!!" Draco said incredulously, "Ew,"
"Oliver is a very nice guy!" Atlas blushes and hears Draco laugh and mimic her. 

Autumn rolls her eyes and shifts swinging backwards so she's facing the ground.

"You look funny upside down," Draco said, shifting his head a little.
Atlas starts laughing and almost loses her balance.

"Very funny" Autumn reaches up to get the tree branch but misses and slips. "Ah! Draco!" she yells about to fall out of the tree this time. 

"Uh oh," Draco quickly struggled to get up from his bed of snow and went over to Autumn.
He reached up and put a hand on Autumn's shoulder so that when she fell then it wouldn't be her neck and shoulders that went down first.
"Ok, now relax. I'm gonna catch you," Draco braced his arms to catch her

Autumn tries not to laugh seeing Draco trying to help, a minute later she loses her balance and falls out of the tree.

Atlas laughs.
Draco catches Autumn and then looks at her with wide eyes, surprised that he actually caught her instead of missing or accidentally dropping her.
He gives Autumn a slight smile and quickly and carefully puts her down.

Autumn looks at him a little shocked, "Nice catch." she says slightly patting the side of his shoulder and then standing up on her own.

"Watch out, I'm coming down," Atlas calls down to them.
She carefully stands up on the branch and balances herself. She steadies her breathing and then flip backwards off of the branch.
She lands in the snow and falls over laughing.

Autumn chuckles letting go of Draco and walks over to Atlas and puts snow on her again."Oi! What was that for?" Atlas shrieks, as the snow starts running down the back of her neck, "Ughhh,"
She grabs some snow and then start walking towards Autumn with it, grinning."AHhhhhh Noooo." Autumn shouts, running towards the house.

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