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The train slowed to a stop.

Autumn grins, "I figured" standing up, "Well, see you all next year!" she walks off the train. "Oop don't look now." Autumn taps Atlas on the shoulder, Oliver had just gotten off the train and was hugging his mom.

Atlas turned to look and saw Oliver. She blushed. She watches as Oliver lets go of his mom and then hugs his dad. She glanced at Autumn.
"Should I...?" Atlas asked her, blushing more. "Go ahead," Autumn says smiling at her.

She sees Draco come off the train. "She'll just be a minute," she tells him. Draco scowled, "I wish she would've just stayed with you but whatever," He muttered.

Atlas ran through a few groups of people, "Oliver!" she called. She saw him turn around to look at her, his face brightening up in a huge smile. She ran at him and threw her arms around him in a hug.
He picked her up in a hug and spun around and then set her back down. She laughed, her face bright red.
Oliver's mom looked at her with a smile on her face.
"You must be Atlas," she said, holding her hand out.
Atlas blushed and nodded, shaking her hand. She glances around and see her parents watching her, Father has a scowl on his face.
"I've gotta go," she says to Oliver, "Promise to write!" she smiles and runs back over to Autumn, ignoring that she had saw her parents already.

Autumn rolls her eyes, "Come on Draco." seeing Lucius and Narcissa and slightly wave. Draco frowned disgustedly at Atlas her happiness ebbs away and she sighs sadly. "Now Draco. If you liked someone" Autumn starts. "Right well I'm shut up now because that obviously isn't going to happen." she walks away and over to Atlas. 

Draco opened his mouth to say something but then closes it again, looking offended.
Atlas gives Autumn a half-hearted smile as she came over to her. 

"sooo" Autumn nudges her playfully giving her a hug. Atlas blushes, "Well, I've now met his mom," she laughs, "and I gave him a hug," her face goes even redder, "and I made him promise to write," she smiles.

She glances over Autumn's shoulder and see Draco staring at the ground looking troubled and her parents slowly working their way through groups of people to get to us. "I Knew it I knew it." Autumn says doing a little happy dance.

Atlas laughs, watching her do her happy dance, "You knew what?" she grins.

"Nothing..." Autumn stops dancing and look up as Lucius, and Narcissa walk over.

"Well children let go." she says. Atlas looks up to see Lucius still scowling at her. She looks down at the ground, avoiding his gaze. Lucius turns and starts walking beside Narcissa, she slowly follows. Narcissa puts her hand on her arm. "It's ok. Autumn follows behind.

Atlas gives Mum a small smile and glances behind her and sees Autumn, she slows down and then link arms with her.
"We're gonna have fun this summer, trust me," She smiles.

"I hope so!" Autumn sighs.

Narcissa turns to us. "So how was school?" She asks.

"It was... an adventure," Atlas smiles at Autumn.
"Most of the classes are ridiculous," Draco muttered.
She rolled her eyes at him.

"Yeah actually, I heard Draco got into a bunch of trouble." Autumn chuckles.

"Is that so?" Lucius said, an air of warning in his voice.
"No," Draco rolled his eyes, "I got one detention and that was it,"
Lucius raised his eyebrows, not quite believing him.
"I got in more trouble than Draco did," Atlas muttered.
Lucius turned his head to look at her, the same dangerously emotionless look on his face. Autumn nudges Atlas. "Yeah... Anyway, "

"Let's go home, why don't we," Lucius said, his voice oddly calm.
Atlas tries to put a confident smile on her face.
She follows Mother and Father as we go through the portal of Platform 9 and 3/4.

A Hogwarts Story // The Malfoy Family (COMPLETE except for editing)Where stories live. Discover now