29: shinoa's demise

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not like women?", harumi questioned, causing the blue-haired curse to burst out laughing.

     "w-why do you ask that?", mahito questioned, as he caught his breath before anybody else could hear them.

     "from what I've heard, he's never gone past kissing with shinoa-sama. and yesterday, I tried t—"

harumi halted in the middle of her sentence, as she worried that mahito might tell on her.

"tried to what?", the blue-haired curse inquired.

sensing the woman's hesitance, mahito had assured her with that slick tongue of his.

"I tried seducing sukuna-sama, but he didn't even seem fazed. and then uraume-san came in and interrupted before he could even answer", harumi frowned.

'ah, so she took the bait'.

"mah~ just because he didn't respond, doesn't mean he doesn't want to...you know", the blue-haired curse insinuated.

     "and plus, there's always more chances to come", mahito assured.

and more chances did they come, though every time she tried, she was either interrupted by uraume, or sukuna just seemed uninterested.

     now she was starting to get impatient, desperate, if you will.

     "I don't get it! I just don't get it!! I've done everything I could! I brought him tea. I picked him flowers like she does. I even offered to help dress him, yet he still rejects my offers!", harumi complained.

"maybe you're too stuck on solving your issue with only one solution. you should try exploring your other options", mahito casually suggested, as the two were met with uraume, sukuna, and shinoa's presence.

     "my lord, must you really leave for that long?", shinoa pouted, as sukuna had announced that he'd be taking uraume and mahito with him for four whole days.

     "yes, because the other curses are a bunch of incompetent shits. I'll be back soon though, and with me, will be a present for you", sukuna assured, as he placed the flower pins in shinoa's hair.

the woman tied the bell onto sukuna's obi, as it served as a reminder that she was with him, even if not physically.

"stay safe, my lord. I'll be anticipating for your return", shinoa smiled, as sukuna endearingly caressed the woman's cheek.

"let's go, uraume, mahito", sukuna coldly ordered.

the two followed after the king of curses, as shinoa was now left alone with harumi.

"harumi-san, should we dine now?"


suguru hated the zen'in clan. he especially hated naoya.

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