Intro + Prologue

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Zoe Willa Wood and James Sirius Potter had an odd relationship. They had known each other since the moment they came out of their mother's wombs, yet didn't seem to share the fondness their families had for each other. At least not at first.

It began with stealing the other's blanket as they slept when they were babies, which turned into stealing toys as wobbly toddlers, which ended in not-so playful fights just before they entered Hogwarts.

Their parents thought that having to tolerate each other for the entirety of the year would help mend what was broken since the beginning, but if there was one trait they shared, it was stubbornness.

It also did not help the fact that they were sorted into rival houses. James in Gryffindor. Zoe in Slytherin.

All hope seemed lost, but once both kids announced they had made it into their respective teams they thought their children would finally find something to bond over. How wrong they were.

The Slytherin versus Gryffindor matches became a sight to see with how brutal the matches were between the Potter and Wood seekers, their competitive natures landing each other in the medical wing more than once.

And even six years later, plus the arrival of all of their younger siblings did not change their strong distaste towards the other, even though the distaste was only a front for something much deeper that they refused to acknowledge before the other. There seemed to be no challenge that could ever bring together.

But if you were the son of the infamous Harry Potter, and the daughter of the brutally famous Oliver Wood. You are bound to attract unwanted attention at some point, along with burying out some dark secrets that had been left out in the past....


Face claims:

Zoe Willa Wood | INTP | Slytherin | 16 | Bisexual | she/her | 5'6" (167 cm)

"No wonder you don't have a girlfriend with your trollish manners"

James Sirius Potter | ESFP | Gryffindor | 16 | heterosexual | he/him | 6'4" (194 cm)

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James Sirius Potter | ESFP | Gryffindor | 16 | heterosexual | he/him | 6'4" (194 cm)

"I'd call it more of a tedious rom-com Lily has forced me to live"

"I'd call it more of a tedious rom-com Lily has forced me to live"

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