Black Roses

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All eyes went to the figure of Scorpious Malfoy, nervously clutching an identical black rose.

"What does yours say?" Scorpious fumbled with the tag as he tried reading its contents.

"Love can stay hidden forever. Until it is buried too deep into a hole and can never come back" Theo's skin crawled, goosebumps shooting up his arms.

"Nope. No. I'm out" He began to stand up to leave them to their own accords, but Melody yanked him back by his bright yellow tie down towards the table.

"Two identical black roses, both with the same tag and talking about love. Intriguing" Leslie seemed to find a fascination in the situation where everyone else only saw fear.

"Yes truly intriguing. Now if you'll excuse me, I'm going to call out a Potter on his stupid prank. Might manage to pin Drake on it too"

"It wasn't Albus or James who did it" Zoe's glare bore into Scorpious' icy blue eyes.

"Do tell, why not?"
"Albus spent the night at the room of requirements, I had to drag him out of there myself this morning. And James spent the entire night by your side, he only left after Gavin and Ty dragged him away from you"

Zoe groaned loudly, her head pounding at all the additional thinking it was being made to do.

"I don't need more information to process, I need answers. And I'm going to get them" Zoe snatched the rose away from Scorpious' fingers and stomped her way across the room to the Gryffindor table.

"This is going to end badly"


James had spent the past hours coming to terms that no matter how many times he confessed to Zoe, he could never be brave enough to actually say all those words to her face. Sometimes he wondered if he was truly a Gryffindor under all the cowardice that lied in the surface.

He was brought out of his train of thought when a hand slammed right in front of his plate, two identical black roses under the nimble fingers.

"Real funny, Potter. You got Scorpious and Theo shitting their pants back there. You can have back your roses with the satisfaction of knowing your stupid prank worked" James' bright green eyes shifted between the roses in Zoe's hand and her piercing glare.

"Those aren't mine" Zoe huffed, inching closer to James' face. He could feel her breath fanning against his features, he was sure he forgot how to breathe in that moment.

"Like hell they are. Scorpious and I just miraculously woke up with two identical black roses with creepy messages 'bout love?" James grabbed onto a rose, completely brushing over Zoe's pointed anger.

His thumb traced the tag, the drawing of the lighting bolt gave him an odd sense of familiarity at the pit of his stomach.

The lighting bolt resembled a mark he had seen since he came into the world, the person being the same one who had warned him of something sinister in Hogwarts.

"Meet me at lunch by the Black lake, bring Leslie" Before Zoe could retort, James had already run away, the bell tolling to warn students about their presence being required in their different lessons.

"Damn you Potter" Zoe didn't wish to have to go to that meeting, she just wished to keep playing their little game.

Their game of cat and mouse, where Zoe would ignore James as he had ignored her after leaving the hospital wing until he came crawling back to her. Speaking as if nothing had happened.

She just wished to fly freely on a broom, the wind pricking her skin, the coolness of the breeze itching into her bones, the splintering wood digging into her palms. She yearned that freedom that came from being in the air, but sadly for the moment she was stuck on cruel old land.

"You know what you need?" Zoe sighed, slumping against the doorway of the Great Hall.

"For life to stop being so fucking complicated?" Leslie smirked, dragging her reluctant friend through the different hallways.

"You my friend. Need a good old sleepover with your favourite girls" Zoe sighed.

"I don't know Les, last time we barely didn't get caught. Tina and Freida aren't really friendly" Leslie smirked, wrapping her arm with that of Zoe's.

"You let me handle the annoying roommates and preparation. All you need is to show up. Deal?" Zoe sighed, but nevertheless nodded, allowing Leslie to squeal in joy.

"We're going to have so much fun!"
"I'm so going to regret it"
"Oh you will"


a/n: I do not understand men. Nor fictional or real. Seriously and women are supposed to be the confusing ones?? Dude ur the one giving mixed signals about how u feel about-

Ehm anyways

It was Scorpious who got the rose! Have a chocolate for those who got it right 🍫 But there's still the standing question of who gave them the roses? Was it James and Gavin? Was it Harry?

Vote and comment to find out ;)

Black Roses {James Potter x OC} Where stories live. Discover now