Potter Boys Have No Clue Of What To Do With Girls

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The classroom bugged with anxious and enticing energies. Students had been hearing the story of Harry Potter since they had been born, how some of their parents even had the honour to have properly met him. And the fact that he was now their Defence Against the Dark Arts teacher, only made the deal a whole lot sweeter.

Although various rumours were being whispered across the room of the new young (and some dare say handsome) teacher, two in particular seemed to not care to participate in the activities.

One distracted by a pretty blonde Gryffindor from her potions class, the other distracted by the expression she had while looking at the pretty blonde Gryffindor.

"C'mon Z, indulge us with a bit of Professor Potter gossip" Zoe shrugged, tossing her wand across her palms.

"What do you want to know? That he's smart? Caring? He's got some pretty marked abs?" The girls listening in to Zoe's rant giggled at one another, a dreamy state flashing over their eyes. Zoe only rolled her eyes.

"I've had dinner with the guy a couple of times. I don't know his deepest darkest secrets" Melody was about to scold Zoe on her odd behaviour, she was never one to miss out on the chance to spill secrets on someone.

Quite the opposite, Zoe loved indulging herself in the beautifully crafted art of gossip. In her opinion it was quite entertaining to see how wrong some people could get the facts. Like when they thought Neo would be more interested in quidditch than she was since he carried the 'male quidditch obsessed' gene. Boy they were wrong with that one.

But now she just spent the entire gossip session scowling while her eyes traced the familiar figure of James Potter, his limbs tangled with the unknown blonde with what could only be called a seductive smile. Suddenly Zoe's behaviour made sense to Melody.

"As I see it right now, you have two options. You leave them be, or you go up there and kiss your man to set that bitch back in line" Not even a smirk came from Zoe, her eyes now glossed.

"You think it's because she's blonde? Maybe he's only into blondes. His first girlfriend was blonde"

"You both were eight. Besides that girl from last year was a brunette" And so Zoe's insecurities resurfaced once again.

Some may have thought her obsession with quidditch, schoolwork and the occasional party was part of her genetics as the daughter of Oliver Wood, or all part of the Hogwarts experience. But in reality it was her way of hiding from her insecurities when it came to her love life.

James Potter sure hadn't been her only crush, she had dated others, kissed others, but every thought after seemed to roll back to the raven-haired boy who never seemed to take her seriously and only saw her as a casual fling.

In the moments when she was left with nothing to do, her mind spiralled into different scenarios, picking at every insecurity she ever owned. How she was too 'manly', too closed off,  too stubborn... She could only find defects in herself when staring at other girls who easily grabbed his attention, unlike her who had been trying for years only to get a mortal enemy.

Melody sighed sadly. She couldn't truly blame Zoe, James looked genuinely happy. He had been laughing for the past class and the entirety of their time waiting for Professor Potter to arrive. His hands had been comfortably rested on the blonde's hips as she sat on his lap, twirling around a strand of his hair at the nape of his neck, occasionally leaning in to whisper something in his ear that would make him smirk.

Melody huffed, standing up abruptly, her chair squeaking as she did so.

"That's it, best friend to the rescue"
"Melody please don't-"
"Hush! My best friend could get any person in this forsaken school, and she chose that idiot. So that idiot she's getting"

Zoe tried grabbing onto Melody, but she was too late, she had already stormed off to Ty's side.

"Psst. Ty" The blonde looked up from his book, squiggles and lines covering the margins.

"I need your help. What's the deal with blondie there?" Ty shrugged, staring at the table were James was sat next to a very uncomfortable looking Gavin.

"Imogen Gallinsty. Showed up in potions gushing about how much fun it must be to be 'the Harry Potter's' son" Melody nodded slowly, a stray strand of pink hair falling onto her eyes.

"Now how do we get her to fuck off?" Ty shrugged.

"Been trying for the past hour" Although Ty hadn't lived in Russia since his ninth birthday, his accent still didn't seem to leave him, much less when he was annoyed or angry. Similar to Zoe and Neo's case.

Before Melody could formulate a proper plan to get rid of Imogen and return Zoe and James to their natural states, the door had burst open.

Papers crumbled from Professor Potter's case, the delicate things coating the entryway. Desperately dozens of girls jumped from their seats, helping him pick up and make it to his desk beneath the mountain of paperwork he had been carrying.

"Thank you. Thank you. Alright listen up class! My name as you all already know is Harry Potter, but here I'm Professor Potter to every single one of you" Hands rose to the air, excitedly shaking in the air, Professor Potter sighed.

"Yes that includes my sons and daughter along with all of the people who have met me outside of school" The hands were lowered.

"Speaking of, miss?" Imogen twisted her body to look at Professor Potter's wand being pointed right at her.

"Imogen Gallinsty, sir" Professor Potter nodded, pocketing his wand.

"Right, miss Gallinsty if you wouldn't mind getting of mister Potter's lap, I find that is not classified as a proper seat" Imogen didn't even question him before jumping off James' lap and scurrying off to her own seat.

"Was that really necessary? We were just having fun Da-" Professor Potter shot him a pointed glare, his green eyes fierce as he stared at his son.

James clenched his jaw, he hated being submissive, much less to a teacher who happened to be his own father. But for the good of his future pranks, he had to swallow his pride for that one time.

"Apologies. Professor" His words were laced with poison, but it wasn't nothing that Harry Potter hadn't heard before by the same boy at his own household.

"Right, now that that's settled. I know how much all of you must be itching to use some magic since returning. So, who's up for a good old practice of stupefy?" The entire class burst into cheers, immediately pairing up to practice.

But one's smirk had grown larger, a plan formulating in her pink coloured head.

"Bloody brilliant"



I finally managed to sleep :D okay no that's a lie I haven't been able to sleep- but at least this time I woke up at 4 am instead of 3:44... More sleep ig?

Vote and comment why you think I like the next chapters >:) (hint: no one is dying)

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