Snowball Fights Sometimes Lead To Something More

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Snow covered the entirety of Hogwarts. The foot deep fluffy substance crunching under the boots of Zoe and Neo Wood as they made their way through the grounds towards the so called battle ground.

Zoe had covered herself from head to toe, from a dark green scarf and hat, to a black coat. You could barely tell there was a person under all those layers.

Neo on the other hand went for a more casual approach with only a coat and some gloves. Allowing the small snowflakes that fell from the sky to delicately rest on his brown hair.

As the Wood siblings approached, all attention went onto them.

Roxanne, Fred and Hugo stood on one side of the improvised snow wall, all three of them snuggled up into their scarves of their respective houses.

On the other side of the wall were the three Potter siblings, tossing a small snowball between the three of them, until James caught sight of Zoe, allowing the ball of snow to shatter on the ground.

"Finally! Is that a fair game I see in the future?" Zoe smirked under her scarf, draping an arm around Neo's shoulder to lean against him.

"Don't count on it Weasley" Fred smirked back.

"No Rose today?" Hugo shook his head.

"Something about catching up on three months of homework so she could focus properly on quidditch" Zoe snorted, pushing Neo away not so delicately.

"She worries more about quidditch than the actual Gryffindor captain" All eyes went to James, who sheepishly looked down at his boots kicking the snow.

Zoe silently regretted her words, her own eyes meeting the sight of her boots kicking snow.

"No offence"
"None taken"

For once Fred took notice of the awkward environment and clapped his hands loudly to bring all the attention to him.

"So, who's on who's team?" Roxanne immediately sprung to Zoe's side, clinging to the shorter girl.

"Dibs on the hotter Wood" Neo huffed.

"What's to say I'm not the hotter Wood?" Roxanne stared at the younger boy.

"How many girls have asked you out?" Neo opened his mouth to retort, but Roxanne forgot a significant detail she intended to correct.

"Let me rephrase that. How many girls have asked you out and have not started with the phrase 'You're Oliver Wood's son aren't you?'" Neo stayed quiet after that, huffing towards the Potter's side of the wall.

Lily gave him a pitiful look and patted him on the back.

"Don't worry Neo, we'll show those guys not to mess with the younger siblings" Neo smirked at Hugo, even though he was on the opposite team he still felt the need to cheer up his friend.

Neo stuck his tongue out to his sister before crouching down next to the Potters, Hugo's comment giving him an ego boost.

"Everyone ready?" Fred called from behind their wall, a snowball already firmly gripped by his right hand.

"Ready to win that is!" James' voice still brought Zoe's stomach butterflies, but she refused to let them live any longer than a few seconds.





Snowballs immediately shot from both sides, some enchanted and some hand thrown.

On the Potter's side, Albus and Neo had been enchanting while Lily and James threw with dead accuracy, which was expected seeing as they had both trained at some point in their lives as chasers.

On the Weasley side, Zoe and Hugo had been enchanting, sending snowball after snowball towards the other's face. Fred and Roxanne didn't have nearly as good aim as James and Lily did, but they were faster at their shots, leaving not time to create another snowball to the other team.

"I'm going in! Cover me!" James shouted at his teammates who nodded in reply, shifting their entire tactic so Neo relied on enchanting and Albus helped Lily at the wall.

James sneaked past the wall, throwing snowballs from the side straight into Zoe and Hugo's faces.

"Side attack! Run!" Roxanne and Fred immediately burst into a sprint, with Zoe and Hugo right on their tail sending enchanted snowballs at a laughing James who ran after them.

The snowball fight escalated quickly, the teams dissolving into a free for all. Whoever you could hit with a snowball you would. And it wasn't only snowballs anymore, it was tickling wars and snow chunks and scoops being thrown at the other's face.

Frankly, Zoe couldn't see anything with all of her coverage, so she ended up taking off her scarf and throwing it onto the snow, her accuracy increasing once it came to shots. Yet it seemed her space awareness was still a little faulty.

James had been cornered by his siblings, forcing him to step backwards until he crashed directly onto Zoe who was retreating from her own brother.

James flipped mid air to face her and try to catch her, but all he did in the end is use his arms to push himself up so he didn't put all of his body weight on her.

A ghost of a smile rested on Zoe's lips before she realized who she had crashed into, her lips straightening into a neutral face.

Their hot breaths rose into clouds of vapor, drifting off by the breeze. Both of their noses were red from the bitter cold constantly picking at their faces. Their outfits now fully covered in snow, along with snowflakes tangling themselves in between their hair.

James reached out a gloved hand to push away a strand of snow covered hair from Zoe's forehead. His eyes glued onto every inch of her face. His hand hovered over her cheek for a few more moments, the heat emanating from his glove prickling at Zoe's cold cheek... Until a snowball came crashing against James' cheek, the remnants falling all onto Zoe's face.

"Gotten old Jamesy?" James smirked, pushing himself off from Zoe, leaving the girl in a shocked state on the snow covered ground.

"I'll show you old, you baby" James scooped up a pile of snow and began chasing a giggling Lily across the area.

Zoe huffed and pushed herself up, shivering as snow fell down from her coat and slid off her spine.

"I think I'm gonna leave. You guys have fun" Neo stared sadly at his sister, but quickly got distracted by a snowball to the chest from Hugo. Leaving a shivering Zoe to trek up to the castle all by herself.

She was halfway up, already managing to see the stone corridors when she heard a shout behind her.

"Zoe! Wait!" She stopped in her tracks, her eyelashes heavy from all the extra weight coming from the snow.

James stopped right before her, breathing heavily. He had run up the hill to catch up to her. It seemed like a romantic gesture, or maybe a time to confess his feelings back, but what he did instead was shake her scarf free of snow and wrap it delicately around her face.

"I tried to clean it as much as possible. Take a hot shower, can't have you catching a cold" He said nothing more before rushing down the same hill he had come up from before.

Zoe huffed, clinging tightly onto the humid scarf.

"Stupid boys. This is why I'd rather date girls"


a/n: I relate to Zoe in so many different ways- Zoe is my spirit animal... well spirit human

It's only been like two chapters and I already miss the gang- bring back my beloved characters that I specifically created </3

Anyways vote and comment about how much James frustrates u, because wow even I'm frustrated by him...

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