It Is Only The Beginning

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The end of year feast was something no student of Hogwarts ever wished to miss, or want for it to finish. Although some did protest about the terrible fashion choices with the black pointed hats all had to wear, though McGonnagall paid no attention to their protests.

White banners hung from the ceiling, ready to change at the headmaster's command when the winner of the house cup was announced. The only reason as to why most houses hadn't already burnt the school to the ground or taken over it.

"Another year has come to an end. One with certainly some excitement for a couple of us and the passing of time for others.

First I'd like to thank the aurors who's arduous work brought back one of our missing students safely onto Hogwarts grounds" Polite claps rang across the hall, some more enthusiastic than others.

Others being the people who actually knew what happened and that the aurors didn't do anything to help Zoe.

"Next if I could get an applause for our seventh year students. Who after strenuous work have managed to graduate from Hogwarts and will now face the wizarding world head on.

I'd like to say it was a pleasure working with each and every one of you, and I wish you the best out there. If you ever feel the need for some advice, Hogwarts' doors will always be open" Claps got even louder than with the aurors, some cheers even erupted.

Although the commotion began with Fred standing up on his bench and bowing deeply towards Professor McGonnagall.

"Don't worry Minnie, you'll see a lot of us! Can't get rid of us that easily!" Students laughed, and although McGonnagall wished to scold Fred for his behaviour, the smile on her face betrayed her.

"I'm sure your sister will be more than happy to fill in the void you will leave behind Mister Weasley" It was Roxanne's turn to stand up and high five her brother, with laughing and cheering students around them as they sat back down.

"Now, before the announcement of this year's winner of the house cup. I would like to award a couple of extra points to students who showed remarkable behaviour in these last weeks, outside of academics.

First, ten points to Gavin Drake, for showing the loyalty Gryffindor is known for. And as Professor Potter would put it, 'Very speedy legs'

Next, fifteen points to Neo Wood, who despite the fact that he lost someone very dear to him, proceeded on and made us all proud with his perseverance.

And last, twenty points to Leslie Tistle. Who above all showed the true values of a Ravenclaw and a student of Hogwarts. Values who in turn would help on the return to our lost student"

The hall grew quiet enough for you to hear a pin drop in anticipation. Some were already trying to do the math on who had won.

"Therefore. In fourth place we have Hufflepuff, with three hundred and forty-three points.

In third place we have Slytherin with four hundred and seven points.

In second place we have Gryffindor with four hundred and ninety-four points.

Meaning this year's winner of the house cup is Ravenclaw! With five hundred and two points!" The Ravenclaw table burst into cheers, some tackling each other and even breaking a couple of plates as they did so.

McGonnagall loudly clapped her hands and the white decorations that coated the wall suddenly turned a bronze and royal blue colour. The banners sporting the Eagle mightly perched, the Ravenclaw logo.

"Let's dig in! Before it is time to begin another year"

———The End?——-

a/n: Welp countdown...1 which equals the ending of this book 🥲but don't worry there WILL be a sequel and I'll try and finish writing it quickly but no promises 😉😅

If u have any specific suggestions or things you'd like to see let me know

And until then vote and comment. Try to not forget about me while I'm gone 😉


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