Addicted To You

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Looking at the couple, it was hard to tell who was the one under the effects of a love potion.

James stared at Zoe which such adoration, most would think could only be crafted artificially.

For those blissful moments, he forgot just how fake the feelings the girl demonstrated for him were. He wished them so badly to be true, that he forgot reality and made poisoned Zoe his only thought.

Their last stop from them running around to hide of prying eyes had been a secluded tree by the black lake, one that once brought Zoe anxiety and fear. But under the effects of amorentia, she cared little for the murky waters mere meters away.

The breeze still carried remnants of the winter air, as to how Zoe ended up with James' bright red jacket while laying against the trunk of the old tree.

"You know, if we kept kissing like this all day, it will be hard to hide it" Zoe smiled at James who didn't seem the least bit concerned even after his cautious words.

In fact, he had only said those words so he had the chance to admire her fully and not only between kisses. His jacket was big enough to cover her hands, and if she had decided to pull it upwards, it would also happen to cover most of her face except her eyes.

Her beautiful enchanting eyes that only drew James in closer towards the girl.

"Getting tired of me already?" James allowed her to cuddle further into him, his breath tickling her face.

"Never" And he hadn't lied. He was incapable of getting tired of every bit that made Zoe herself, from her snarky remarks to perfect hair.

She was the puzzle piece he spent hours staring at, waiting to find where in the puzzle that was his life she fitted, because he just knew she was destined to be somewhere in it.

They kept each other in yet another lip lock, their sole focus on each other. Not on the boy who had found them and taken a picture to show a fellow Slytherin, and much less the shadow who was finding the right time to corner them...


Night slowly crept upon them, Zoe becoming drowsier by the second. Anyone would like to attribute it to her being tired, but James knew that was the result of the amorentia wearing off.

He only hoped she didn't hate him once she woke from his trance, and that he could survive not having her by his side.

She was worse than any addiction imaginable, because with her, there were no withdrawal symptoms,  you could never forget her touch or the taste of her lips.

"We should go inside. It's getting late" Zoe shook her head against James' chest, tracing patterns onto his now freezing skin.

"I don't want to leave" James sighed loudly, pulling Zoe closer and kissing the crown of her head.

He would've given everything he had just to stay in that moment forever. But he didn't want Zoe to sacrifice those same things for him, if she was going to do it, she should at least have the right to be in her right state of mind, and not high on a love potion.

"I know. Me neither" Her fingers fit perfectly against his, he didn't ever want to let go.

"I love you" In that second, James' heart broke. Because those words he desperately wanted to hear fall from her sweet lips, were a complete and blatant lie.

She didn't love him.

"No, you don't" Zoe pushed herself up with one hand, cupping his cheek to which he leaned into.

"What do I have to do to prove it to you?" James relished the last touch he would receive from the girl, his free hand gripping his wand with shaky hands.

"To actually mean them" Before Zoe could say something else that would only break his heart further, he put a sleeping charm on her, catching her before her head hit the ground.

He slowly wrapped her in his arms and began to trek towards the hospital wing so she could receive proper treatment for the symptoms she would have once she came down from the high of the potion.


Each step he took felt like walking himself to the gallows, ready to face the execution which was his heart.

Once Zoe awoke, she would remember what happened, what they did together, and there were two options. Either she ran into his arms, or Simms', leaving one or the other heartbroken.

Finally he burst through the doors, gently placing her sleeping body on a free cot.

"Oh dear, what happened this time?" James stepped back to let Madam Pomfrey assess her properly.

"Amorentia, I put her under a sleeping spell so I could get her here easier" Madam Pomfrey nodded in approval, immediately shoving some liquids down Zoe's throat.

"Thank you mister Potter. I'm sorry to say the wing is too full today, you can't stay" James didn't even plan on staying, he was too much of a coward to face the consequences that were sure to come once Zoe learnt what happened. Yet some small part of him broke in even more pieces at being kicked out.

"It's alright. I wasn't planning on staying anyways" Madam Pomfrey ran away, allowing him to step up to Zoe's sleeping form.

He placed a lingering kiss on her forehead, savouring each second as if it were his last.

"I love you too"

Suddenly Madam Pomfrey grabbed onto his shoulder and gently guided him away from the room, shoving a cup of jello in his hands.

It was always the same green jello, no matter what day or time you came to the hospital wing, Madam Pomfrey would always give them away to each of her patients, or at least she did to Zoe and James. A tradition of hers if you will.

"Goodnight mister Potter"

He allowed himself one tear of pure heartbreak before moving on from his new addiction, Zoe Wood.


a/n: It isn't a wattpad story without some toxicity huh 🤷‍♀️

I kinda low key feel bad for James but at the same time I don't but at the same time I do but I don't...does it make sense??

Thirty one chapters already wow- I'm not emotionally ready to finish this book-

Anyways vote and comment because I still want to punch James 🤷‍♀️

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