Gone In The Wind

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The air around her seemed to grow lighter as she plummeted towards the ground.

Her body was suspended between the air molecules, gravity working against her to make her crash against the ground.

Somewhere between the rushing wind she heard screams and gasps, she was pretty sure she even heard someone shriek her name.

But even after all that, all she could bring herself to ask is if her broom was alright.

It was top of the notch equipment and didn't deserve to be brought down with her.

Her spotted vision slowly dimmed until it was non-existent. She accepted her untimely demise at the place she would forever cherish.


"Some good bludger work to stop Malfoy from scoring by Weasley, and-HOLY SHIT IS THAT ZOE FALLING?!" The crowd's eyes peeled towards the falling body covered in green robes.

A collective shriek came from the stands, the teachers frantically pulling out their wands to stop her accelerating body.

The screams were already painful enough to hear. But two voices cut through them, the pain in their voices too noticeable to hide or fake.

James and Neo screamed her name, a futile attempt for her to wake up and come back to her senses. One trying to find their way towards her as the other pushed the very limits of their broom to reach her.

They were both too late.

A third figure dressed in pure black robes swooped down from above and hauled her body into his arms. And stopped them both right in the middle of the pitch.

"You'll know where to find her when the time comes Jamesy!" Cedric Potter's evil grin couldn't be hidden by the dark fabric covering his flame-like hair.

Before anyone could even think of retaliating he flew up between the clouds and disappeared.

Down below the match was being cancelled and students were ushered inside and towards their common rooms.

Meanwhile James had other plans, he flew after his brother. There was no way in the world that he would let him slip right between his fingers while also taking one of the most precious people in his life.

He searched every inch of the sky he could, he strained his ears far beyond his ability to hear a scream, a breath, anything. But all that he seemed to find were clouds and endless nothingness.

He searched until the sky became dark and he was physically forced inside by his friends.

They tried to get him to eat, sleep, anything. It almost seemed like he was a robot with faulty programming. A robot who would only blink every couple of seconds, and move it's limbs at the commands of others.

His cheerful voice that always brightened the room had left him. It had been stolen along with the Slytherin seeker.

He wished he could've done more. Been faster. Kept an eye on here. Anything.

But he didn't.

And now he'd have to face Neo and tell him he had absolutely no clue how to get his sister back.

He needed someone to blame for her disappearance aside from Cedric. Yet there was no one to take out his rage on rather than himself.

That night he slept in unease, her calm face as gravity pulled her was engraved under his closed eyelids. He would forever remember it.

And it would forever fuel his rage.


a/n:  I have DEFINITELY read way too much of Leigh Bardugo, I've come to enjoy torturing my characters as much as she does 💔 Well no that's a lie she tortures them worse than I do-

I'm running out of shit to say down here... so hey hru! Do u prefer donuts or ice cream?

Anyways vote and comment and I MIGHT consider saving Zoe 🤷‍♀️

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