Feelings Or Revelations? What to go after?

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The room of requirements was known for being able to adapt to what is was required to, hence the name.

Most students knew of it, some were determined enough to find it, while others couldn't bother themselves with such a futile task.

Barely in her first year, Leslie Tistle's number one priority had become to find the room of requirements. Barely a week later, she had spent most of her time there.

The room went from a room filled with heaps of chocolate and a comfy bed for when she had started her period, to a bouncy house when Melody was feeling down after breaking up with her two week girlfriend.

Now, the room was scattered with fluttering papers, stacks as tall as a person of old records books. Not to mention the huge chalkboard with dozens of drawings on them covering the entirety of the wall.

It had small words written across it, along with various evidence stuck next to them. The messages Scorpious and Zoe received along with the black rose. The name of the melody that had played when James and Zoe first encountered their assailant. Even the picture James had found with the mysterious red-head in his family picture. They were all there, tied by a single red string that all led to the middle, where in big bold letters 'who is it?' Were written.

The room of requirements had done a great job by providing them with such a board. But even with all its talents, it couldn't seem to stop the temperature drop from the cold glares Zoe had had been giving James from the moment they stepped inside.

"Are they even blinking?" Gavin shrugged back at Theo, both their eyes glued onto the pair.

"Pretty sure James blinked about three minutes ago"

"ENOUGH. I'm tired of you acting like children, if you got something to say just say it already!" Zoe scoffed, her gaze switching to a more defiant one. Almost daring James to speak against her.

"I've said everything this asshole needs to hear"
"You haven't said anything to me"
"Exactly" James scoffed in return.

He was as guilty as Zoe painted him to be, but every person had a breaking point, and James had just about reached his.

"Fine, if you don't speak, I will. I'm tired of getting glared at by you every single second of the day! I'm sure you got better things to do than stare at me" Zoe rolled her eyes, her mouth hung open with anger laced between it.

"You didn't seem to mind all the attention I gave you when you were sucking the living hell out of me" Theo, Gavin and Melody ooo'ed quietly in the background.

To them, it was almost like watching a romantic drama movie. They were at the part where both main characters were angry at each other, but would soon go back to snogging like never before.

"Low blow, Z. What did you want me to do? Bluntly ask you out?!" Zoe abruptly stood up from her chair in the middle of the room.

"Why didn't you?" James stood up as well, his force was so great that he sent the chair clattering to the ground.

"Why didn't I what?"

"Why didn't you ask me out?" James sighed heavily, tugging at the roots of his hair out of sheer frustration.

"I don't know! Happy?!" Zoe didn't seemed in the very least, happy as James put it.

Her anger seemed to flow towards her footsteps as she stomped towards James. Her glare not losing force although she had to look upwards to meet his eyesight.

"If you hadn't been such a coward you would have saved yourself all this trouble" And so she began to stalk off towards the exit, her footsteps echoing against the pristine marble flooring.

"And want to know something else? I would've said yes!" Before anyone else could react, Zoe slammed the door shut.

To James it felt as though the door she had just slammed was their chance at a relationship.

She would've said yes. If he had only listened to Ty and not go around basing himself off stupid things little kids did when they got their first crushes.

He rubbed his face with his palms, wether it was to release his frustration or stop his crying, even he didn't know.

"What do you have, Les?" Leslie sighed in reply, turning back to her ginormous board.


"I checked any deaths or terminally ill under any kind of fires, nothing. I tried narrowing it down towards the last name 'Weasley' or your grandmother's maiden name-"

"-How do you even know my grandmother's maiden name" Leslie shrugged him off, waving his suggestion away.

"Fred helped. Anyways, I still found absolutely nothing, I even tried checking 'Evans' in case your muggle side of the family decided to get magic all of a sudden. But there was nothing. No deaths, no fires reported, nothing at all"

"Why didn't you check 'Potter' as well?" Ty was the one who broke through Leslie's thought bubble with his question.

"They're basically celebrities, everything that happens in their life somehow ends up in the Quibbler or some magazine. Pretty sure my parents still have a copy of the Quibbler that stated James' favourite diaper colour was green" James scoffed at the new knowledge while Gavin tried not to laugh, the prankster duo didn't agree on everything.

"I say check it anyways, what do we have to lose at this point?" Leslie shrugged back at Theo before stalking off towards the mountains of books, muttering under her breath as she touched each of the book's spine.

She pulled out book after book, tossing them into the arms of some unsuspecting person for them to begin reading and scanning the pages.

At first the search seemed futile, until suddenly Ty gasped. Dropping his copy of 'Birth Letters of St. Mungo's' straight onto the floor.

According to anyone who dared read the book, it was only filled with various letters sent to new mothers at St.Mungo's, letters that unless some weird nurse had kept in a book would have disappeared altogether.

Although when checking the page that had left Ty in his shocked state, James suddenly felt grateful for whatever crazy nurse that had decided to keep all those letters.

At the corner of the page was a glued on crumpled letter with blue edging, the ink smudged with droplets of water, but still eligible enough.

"Congratulations for the birth of Cedric Rubeus Potter. We can't wait to receive him with a warm welcome into this family. With love, Dudley Dursley"


a/n: Cedric Rubeus Potter? Is that an imposter Potter I see in the future? Or did Harry cheat on Ginny? Or did they have another kid?? 🤔

I'll leave y'all with the doubt for that one 😉

If you vote and comment I might tell u who it is but u didn't hear it from me 🤫

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