Accidents Happen

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"Zoe, if I ever y'know hurt you by accident, but that accident led to a better result for you. Would you hurt me? This is all hypothetical of course" Zoe's eyebrow quirked as she widened her stance to receive the blow of the spell Melody was sure to send after her.

"Pretty specific hypothetical" Melody quickly looked around the classroom.

Pairs littered the room, blue streaks shining every once in a while, bouncing off various walls.

Melody's plan had been carefully crafted over the past ten minutes as they set up. A plan of six steps.

Step one: Get Zoe to work with her. That step was basically given, seeing as Zoe wasn't one to make too many friends in her classes, and being one of the most experienced spellcasters in the class. Many didn't really care to get their asses kicked.

Step two: Stand with Zoe's back facing the wall, but close enough so that they could have James and his partner (which somehow managed to be Imogen and not Gavin) close by.

Step three: Make her crash against the wall.  Zoe had mastered Stupefy the second they had taught the spell, so there was no way she could have been defeated with that simple spell, much less by Melody. But the combination of both depulso to knock her off her feet and stupefy to hurl her back should have been enough.

Step four: Scream Zoe's name and her injury as loud as she could to grab attention, more specifically the attention of James. He had a naturally caring nature, and this nature seemed to shine even brighter whenever it involved Zoe. Wether it was a small bruise on her arm or a broken leg after falling off her broom, James Potter always rushed to her side.

Step five: Convince Professor Potter to let James carry her to the infirmary to get her checked out. That step depend mostly on James' ability to convince him, but Melody had faith.

Step six: Pray everything went according to plan.

Now, Melody wasn't one to carefully craft plans, she was more of a 'plan as it goes' kind of girl. But as far as plans went, that one certainly wasn't bad.

"Ready?" Zoe nodded, digging her heels into the marble flooring.

"I'm so sorry" Melody felt a tiny pang of regret, but the thought of her friend being happy again filled her thoughts.

"For wha-"
"Depulso" Melody's words were quiet, but the spell was still cast, and Zoe was caught off guard.

She began falling against the mat, tripping on her own feet. But Melody wasn't done.

She steadied her grip, waiting for the second Zoe's head aligned with a certain sharp edge of the wall. A single tear prickled her eye at the thought of hurting her best friend, but the show had to go on.

"Stupefy!" Zoe was hurled back, her head landing right against the wall, her head rolling onto her shoulder out of sheer force. Her eyes closed.

Melody's heartbeat picked up, worry filling her features. Even though she had the expected outcome, it still pained her.

"Oh gosh! Zoe! Are you okay?! Zoe!" The pink haired girl ran to her best friend's side, catching her right before her body slumped to the floor.

James' ears had picked up the panicked sound of Melody's voice, completely brushing over the fact that Imogen had been desperately trying to gain back his attention.

Yet, as soon as he saw Melody cradling Zoe's body against the cool marble floor he bolted to their side.

He carelessly dropped his wand, his knees scraping as he slid against the floor to reach them. His hands desperately clawed at Zoe's face, his fingers grazing her neck in search for a pulse.

"Zoe? Zoe. C'mon Z wake up"
"What happened over here?"

Melody was a good actress, she specialized in fake crying to get out of painfully hard classes to endure. But in those moments she didn't need to act, she was genuinely scared she had permanently harmed her friend just for the sake of the attention of a boy.

"We... We we're just practicing a..and I think she got distracted... oh Godric I did this to her" Professor Potter shooed away the prying eyes of fellow students, kneeling next to his son.

He pressed his fingers below Zoe's jaw. And only removed them once he felt the soft beating of her heartbeat against his fingertips.

"If I had to guess I think she had a concussion. But I'd rather send her to Madam Pomfrey to get her checked out. I'll-"

"I'll take her" James didn't even wait for a reply before he carefully scooped up the unconscious girl.

He slid his right arm under her back, securing her head against his shoulder, her breath pricking his neck. His left arm slid under her knees, carefully hauling her upwards and into his arms, her legs dangling below his elbow.

"Are you sure?" James nodded, grinding his teeth in annoyance as he had to shove through the prying eyes of two different houses to get to the door. But once he did he ran and didn't look back.


His footsteps were heavy as he ran as quickly as he could with the added weight. But he did not care, all he cared was for Zoe to be alright. He didn't matter.

A groan escaped Zoe's lips, her vision blurry as she tried to focus on the rapidly passing scenery. Although she'd recognize that oak wood scent provident from some flatteringly cheap cologne anywhere.

"James?" He sighed a breath of relief at the sound of her voice. She was okay, she would be okay.

"It's okay, Z. Dad said you probably have a concussion but you should be fine"

"Where-" Her voice was hoarse as she tried to speak, as if she had just woken up from a deep slumber. It made James' heart flutter at the mere thought.

"I'm taking you to Madam Pomfrey, try and relax if you tense up you get heavier" A smile made its way onto Zoe's features, her lips grazing his neck in an attempt of a 'thank you' kiss right before he burst through the doors of the hospital wing.

"Madam Pomfrey!"


a/n: Enjoy the temporary fluffiness it only goes down from here ;)

Im so ready for all of u to see the main villain. Ur gonna love them (:

Anyways vote and comment if you liked the chapter and Melody's stupidity :p

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