We're Saved

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Bonnie's POV:

I see Keeva in the distance.
"Keeva?" I yell out.
"Bonnie?" I hear 2 voices yell back.
"Yeah! It's me!" I say in excitement.
Keori and Keeva rush over and help Acron up.
"Your wounds are healing nicely there Keeva." I sigh with relief. The scars don't really show unless you look pretty close. 2 over her nose and one near her right eyebrow.
"Illoha did a great job!" She laughs.
"Let's get Acron home!" Keori picks Acron up with help of Keeva and they begin carrying him in the direction of the ship.
At least he'll be ok.

15 minutes later

Foxete's POV:

Acron comes onto the ship beaten to hell. I walk into the med-bay with Illoha to be her assistant, like always.
"Fox, can you get two medium painkillers?" She thinks for a moment, "Scratch that get a sedative. It's in the 4th drawer, the locked one." She tosses me a key.
"Alright." I reply walking over and grabbing the only sedatives in our meager supply of painkillers.
I hear Acron cry out as Illoha presses on his ribs.
"Broken or bruised?" I ask her.
"No way to tell unless I can press around." She sighs.
"That'll hurt." Acron laughs nervously.
"It will hurt." She smiles sadly, "Quite a bit."
"Could I have hose painkillers Fox?" Acron laughs, "Either that or I can scream for 15 minutes."
I look at Illoha for confirmation and she nods. I go to the drawer and get the painkillers.
"Anything else, Princess?" I ask Illoha.
"Yeah, water for both of us?" She sighs.
"Alright. I'll be back in five." I smile at them both.
I teleport to the kitchen and fill 2 glasses with water. I teleport back downstairs to the med-bay.
"Here's your water." I smile handing them to Illoha.
"Thanks." She puts hers on a small table next to a chair and Acron's water on another table next to the bed. I sit the chair and wait to help her.
I hope this goes well.

Foxy's POV:

I sit comforting Keori as she looks at the gaping hole in front of us.
"I have to fix that!?" She cries.
"I can help you!" I try to cheer her up.
"Negative." Arthur responds, "Acron wishes for Keori to do this solo."
"Why!?" I yell at the stupid thing.
"First-hand experience." Arthur responds bluntly.
"There will be plenty of great experiences for Keori to learn that don't involve Acron, but right now I think I should fix this. Keori give me tools you're holding, please." Foxete says coming into the engine room.
Suddenly, Arthur comes in using Toby's suit, punches Foxete, grabs the tools, and pushes her through the hole.
"Ow!" She yells. I bend down and extend my arm to her. She grabs it and I pull her up.
"Keori, will fix this." He demands.
"You'll be fine Keori." Fox sighs rubbing her arm as she leaves.
Oh I'm going to kill Arthur.

Illoha's POV:

    I had just finished fixing Acron up when Fox comes into the room, checking outside the door before closing it. I make sure Acron is sleeping soundly and I turn to her.
"You ok?" I laugh.
"Uh, yeah. Just got pushed out to the ship by Arthur, but I'm fine." She smiles.
"It's ironic." I roll my eyes, "He was put on the ship to help us, but all he does is be pessimistic."
"Yeah." Fox sighs, "You wanna get something to eat?"
"You can cook?" I laugh.
"Yes. Yes I can." She scoffs.
    I laugh and she smiles. She always seems happier and more at ease around me. I feel more at ease with her as well. She doesn't judge me. It's nice. She walks over to Acron and sighs.
"He'll be okay." I reassure her.
"I know he will." She smiles at me, "I'm more worried about the order he gave Arthur for incase he is unable to fix the ship."
"What order?" I ask.
"The order that I can't help her fix it." She looks at the door.
I'm sorry, what!?

(685 Words)

The Protectors; Book 1 Where stories live. Discover now