A Stern Talking To

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Foxy's POV:

    I've been sparing Fox from this talk, but it's needed. She seems to have calmed down since the news about Acron a few days ago, so I think it's fine to discuss her current behavior towards Icey. She's been very aggressive for weeks now. I walk into the workshop where she is tinkering with some sort of metal contraption.
"Foxete." I say sternly.
"Oh, hey man!" She smiles, "You need something?"
"Uh, yeah." I sit down on one of the chairs, "It's about Icey."
She sighs, "Listen, about that..."
I cut her off, "You have no excuse for the way you treated her!" I snap.
She looks taken aback, but her expression turns sour, like she stopped caring.
"Foxy, please listen." She frowns, "I didn't mean to-"
"You we're being a brat!" I interrupt her, "You made her upset! Keori and I found her sobbing in the bathroom!"
She looks hurt.
"Accept that you have been awful this week!" I scoff.
She stands up and turn away from me.
"Don't walk away from this!" I grab her arm.
She mutters something underneath her breath.
She snaps her arm back, but stops, not turning back around.
"Apologize." I cross my arms.
"Why should I?" She chuckles, "What did I do?"
"You don't feel anything? No remorse?" I scoff.
"All I did was tell her about Freddy." She snaps, turning around. Her face is emotionless.
"Yeah, in a jerk way." I scoff, "You're very condescending towards her."
She glares daggers at me.
"I already apologized, Foxy." She smiles bitterly.
"She didn't tell me that." I back off a bit.
"Yeah, nobody told you what I've been dealing with either, huh?" She scoffs, "My best friend is dead, in case you might have forgotten. My other best friend, our darling captain, won't talk to anyone. I have to take care of a ship of over 25 people, our main weapon in the basement is unstable, it blew up Keeva, and I have to relocate incase Freddy chipped Bonnie."
"And?" I shrug.
She looks like she's about to explode.
"You have the audacity to call me a brat?!" She laughs, "I'm stressed Foxy! I can't stop because then we'll die!"
"That's selfish." I state, "You're not the only one dealing with grief."
"Selfish?" She laughs bitterly, "Selfish! I'm being selfish?"
"Great going, you hit a nerve." A whispery sing-song voice enters my head, 'What really was your goal in this Foxy?'
"I'll tell you who's selfish, Foxy! You, who is only there for Keori! You didn't check up on me when Acron died, Jake did! You left me to drown in my grief!" She snaps, tears form in her eyes.
Aw crap, Foxy what did you do.
"I told you to take a break." I defend myself.
"Yeah! Like 'Taking a Break' will stop the fact that I lost one of my closest friends!" She scoffs.
"Then ask for help." I suggest.
"Easy for you to say! Lexi's crew is still healing, Kip refuses to leave Keeva's, side who is still injured, in case you missed that memo. Illoha is taking care of the sick and wounded, Bonnie and Keori are to swallowed in grief, and Ophelia and Arie keep to themselves, and don't trust me as far as they could throw me." She counts off.
"So you still have Dex, Tim, Nova, and me." I say weakly.
The tears were already spilling down her cheeks.
"I'm not working with Dex, Tim pulled out Bonnie's regulator, he's useless. Nova is already taking storage along with helping Illoha with
the med-bay." She scoffs, "You could fly the ship I guess."
I stay silent.
This doesn't seem to console her either.
"Just leave." She sighs.
"I suggest you leave." Puppet snarls.
"I'm not leaving just so you can manipulate her, Puppet." I state, not retreating.
"He stopped manipulating us all." Her tears dried. "You'd know that if you actually paid attention to anyone but Keori." She mumbles. "See you later Foxy."
She walks out.
Mission failed.

(680 Words)

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