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Illoha's POV:

I sit in my room. Otso had partnered us up to have roommates in order to make more space.
Foxy and Keori
Foxete and me
Arie and Ophelia
Acron and Toby
Kip and Nova
The Icey and Keeva get their own rooms for now.
We have 8 rooms, so one is extra.
A few of the rooms have bunk beds while others just have 2 beds. Fox wanted bunk beds because it sounded more fun. Acron and GlubGlub and Kip and Nova also got bunk beds. We have a TV in our room, so Foxete is setting up a Movie called Captain America. It's apparently a human thing. She has chips and that Coca-Cola stuff too. She says we're having a 'movie night', which we never did on Keekos. We had one on the old ship, but we never finished the movie. She was about to play the movie when we hear a loud crash.
"What was that?" Fox looks towards the door, "It came from beneath us."
"The gun." I gasp, rushing out the door.
"Illoha wait!" Fox chases me down, "Kip, Keeva, Nova, and Keori were working on it. It could've hurt someone. I'll go check downstairs, you get medkits."
I nod and we both go our different ways.
I hope everyone is alright.

Foxete's POV:

I teleport downstairs to find Kip and Nova standing over another Evon.
Must be Keeva or Keori!
I rush over.
It's Keeva, again.
"What happened?" I ask, calmly.
"Keeva was walking, and suddenly the gun just fired!" Nova panics.
Bonnie and Illoha run down the stairs with Keori, Foxy, Lexi, Jake, and Toby at hers heels.
"Move!" Illoha rushes to Keeva's side.
She looks Keeva over. She's burned, that's for sure.
"The gun didn't fire, Nova." I look at the area around Keeva, "That would've made a whole and sucked you 3 into it. Right, Kip?"
Kip stares in shock at Keeva.
"He's in shock, isn't he?" I sigh.
Nova nods.
"Alright, we should get out of the danger zone." I instruct Nova to help Kip walk to the other half of the basement. Then, Foxy carries Keeva upstairs followed by Illoha and Bonnie.
"Lexi and Jake, do either of you know sign language?" I ask.
"I do." Jake raises his hand slightly.
"Great. Help Nova wake her brother up from his trance." I instruct, "Lexi, you too."
"What should I do." Keori asks.
"Not tell Foxy about what I'm about to have you do." I sigh.
"Why?" She looks at me, confused.
"It's dangerous." I smile.
"Arie and Ophelia, walk with us over there, but just keep watch, okay?" I begin to walk over to the gun.
I bend down near the broken plates of the floor and uncover them.
I radio on, "Foxy, could you check if the gun is turned off?" I ask.
"Yeah! Doing that right now." He says as I hear shuffling.
The plates feel hot.
"It's off now." Foxy confirms.
The plates beneath me cool off slowly.
"The gun overheated. Whoever was working on the gun last probably forgot to turn it off." I sigh.
Keori looks horrified.
"It was me." She says shakily.
"Not your fault Keori." I smile, "You couldn't have known."
"I nearly killed Keeva." She cries, "I'm a horrible mechanic!
I walked over and hugged Keori, "Hey, kid. It's okay! I nearly killed Keeva with the engine of the old ship." I sigh, "We all make mistakes."
She sniffs and stops crying, "Your right. I'll apologize to Keeva when she wakes up."
Poor Keeva! All the mechanics are trying to kill her. The universe must be telling her to stay away from explosive equipment.
"Alright." I smile, "All good, you guys can leave." I tell Arie and Ophelia.
"Great!" Arie grabs Ophelia's hand and walks away.
"She's so friendly! Isn't she Keori?" I whisper.
"Yep! So kind." She giggles.
"Alright, kid. Let's go." I smile walking back to the stairs.
Guess I won't be watching Captain America tonight.

(670 Words)

The Protectors; Book 1 Where stories live. Discover now