A Well Deserved Break

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Foxete's POV:

I come back through the portal. Nobody is around. I can feel myself falling apart.
Where is Illoha?
I walk into the med-bay quickly.
"Illoha?" I ask.
No response. I look around quickly. I see Keori sitting on one of the beds being helped by Cakezz, Illoha's new apprentice.
"She isn't in here." Cakezz states, "She's in her room I think."
"Okay. Thanks." I smile.
I leave and close the door.
Fox, just collect your thoughts. That could've gone worse.
I attempt to teleport to my room, but I can't. I try again. Nothing.
"Screw that. I'll walk." I mumble as I walk to our room. When I get to the barrack hallway I notice Tim and Dex playing cards by the game lounge. I don't go in. I have no desire to talk to Dex, but it's good that Tim is getting used to our ship.
I enter the barracks and knock on the door. Despite it being my room and Illoha's room, I still knock. It's only polite.
"Yes?" She asks, opening the door.
"Hey, I just wanted to talk." I look behind me.
"Oh, sure." She smiles. I walk into the room behind her and sit on her bed.
    Our room is pretty simple. We have bunk beds, I have top bunk, she has bottom. My wall is covered in posters and drawings that Toby and Damien draw while hers has a small built in bookshelf. My bed is quite messy but hers is completely organized. We have a TV on the wall across from Illoha's bed. That's where we normally do our movie nights.
"You look upset." Illoha grabs my hand. Sometimes I forget we're dating and that this is normal.
"Bonnie and Freddy had a bit of an argument." I sigh. Illoha sits on the bed next to me.
"How does that affect you?" She asks.
"Everyone here has killed someone, right?" I frown, not looking at her.
"Other than Damien. Toby, Icey, and Keori, yes." Illoha nods leaning forward to try and meet my eyes.
"Freddy killed someone." I look at her so that she'll stop straining to neck, "Bonnie reacted badly. Freddy didn't react well either."
"From what I've heard, Bonnie and Freddy's relationship was toxic." Illoha grabs my other hand, "Bonnie would tell me stories, he said most mistakes were blamed on him. He would always get yelled at. That's why he left. You never yelled at him, that's why he took you with him."
"Not... always... they cared about eachother. It just went sour towards the end." I sigh, "I didn't say anything. I let them argue. Bonnie is now banned from the pizzeria."
"And you?" She asks.
"Not allowed back for a bit. He's pretty mad." I take my shoes off and tuck my knees to my chest.
"Well, I can't fix the fact that you nod your friends argued, but I can distract you." She smiles, "Movie?"
I laugh, "Which one?"
"Remember the movie we watched months ago? The Guardians of the Galaxy?" She asks, "We fell asleep halfway through it. I kinda want to see the end."
"Deal. I'll put that on, you get snacks." I smile, untucking my legs.
"Great idea." She kisses me and leaves.
At least I have one good thing going for me.

(555 Words)

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