A Goodbye Message

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"Hey guys! Hey Protectors!" He laughs, "I don't think I can get myself out of this one! I wanted to record this last message so you had an understanding of what happened. I'm sorry I didn't come back to the ship. I'm sorry for a lot of things, like that one time I wrote on GlubGlubs back, or all the things I wrote on Bonnie and Foxy's endoskeletons every time I repaired them." Acron sighs, "Most of all, I'm sorry Keori. I know you didn't really have a dad, so I hope you don't miss this one too much. Illoha, I know I flirted with you that one time, it was really awkward, I was drugged, Fox wanted to beat my head in, but I respect how gay you can be sometimes, you're cool, really sassy. Foxete, don't shut the world out because of this, I know you will. Let others help you the way you help them. I know I told you I would come back to the ship, I'm truly sorry... Happy 19th kid...." He takes a deep breath and continues, "GlubGlub, dont let anything ever destroy your spirt. Keeva, you'll protect them for me, will ya'? They'll need you now more than ever, General. Foxy, I know I spent years try'na kill 'ya, but I've grown to consider you an ally, a friend. Do what you've always done and protect Keori, help her, she needs you. Icey, I didn't know you too well, but you seem lovely. I promise the crew isn't as awful as you may think." Acron smiles sadly, "Timmothy really was always apart of our crew." He chuckles, "I love you guys, so, so much. You're my family."

"This is Acron, signing off."

Foxete's POV:

The tape ends. Bonnie was able to set his eyes up to project Acron's final message to all of us.
Don't shut the world out. He tried to come home.
I sigh and stand up.
"Listen everyone." I stand up at the front of the room, "Yes, this is a bad beat, but we can get through it. We lost our ship once, we were attacked by Funtime Foxy and won. We beat El Chip! We recruited Foxy! We did the impossible. I know this seems hopeless, but I think that sooner or later, we'll be back to normal. Acron wouldn't have wanted us to just sit around, would've wanted to avenge him."
"But how?" Toby asks, "Acron was so strong."
"Buddy, even the strongest people get hurt." I smile.
"You don't seem to get hurt." He replies.
"Remember when I got attacked by Freddy, on the space station? With.... Beema... I got hurt there buddy. I was hurt pretty badly, but my friends took care of me. In times like this, we need each other. We're a crew, a team, and if we want to stop Freddy, we can't be mad at eachother." I sigh, "We've got this!"
"There's a certain prison planet that Acron had in mind." Bonnie adds, "Amona. We promised someone that we'd try to save his wife. I want to honor that."
"Alright, we need to train first, but after we train, restock on supplies, and make a plan for Amona, we'll consider that an option, but for now, rest is a must." Foxy crosses his arms, "I refuse to let Foxete or Keori do any work, they need rest."
"I disagree, resting will make my grief worse. I need to act on it. I'll start analyzing people's abilities with weapons." I argue.
"After one day of rest?" Illoha asks.
"Fine." I give in.
I look around the room, Icey isn't very verbal, Keori is wearing Acron's scarf, her eyes are still wet from tears, and she's hugging Foxy's arm. Bonnie looks broken to bits, all the others look sleep deprived.
"I need to fix Bonnie first." I state, "I don't know what condition he's in."
"Fine, but then you rest!" Foxy groans, "Meeting over."
I walk with Bonnie to the workshop. I sit him down and shut him off. I put my X-Ray goggles on to analyze the damage.
I make a checklist:
*Eyes are delayed
*Memory needs upgrade
*Battery life is almost out
*Almost all functions that aren't necessary to survival are removed
Fabulous, full repairs.
I sigh and take out Acron's bin of spare parts and I begin my long day of work.
Sorry Foxy, but this will take longer than an hour.

(745 Words)

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