Goodbye Carson

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Bonnie's POV:

"What's wrong winner? Are you sad?" Carson gloats, "You gonna cry?"
I walk over to Acron's decapitated body and grab his scarf.
"Open the damn door." I shake. I don't recognize my voice. It's cold and dark, but I don't care.
Why should I care?
"Whatever you say, pal!" He laughs.
I quickly walk in and wait for the door to close.
I unscrew my head temporarily disconnecting wires, Fox can fix those later.
I take the collar off.
beep, beep
I screw my head back on, my head feels fuzzy, but there's nothing I can do.
beep, beep, beep
I throw the collar to the opposite end of the hall.
The door busts open and I take out my gun.
"Carson!" I scream, my voice full of pure hatred. The sirens are going off.
I see nothing but red.
He killed Acron.
He killed my friend!
I shoot down every single guard I see.
"Don't hide Carson! You seemed so eager to play!" I laugh coldly. My voice isn't my own. It's... cruel...the other Bonnie's.
I found the room where Carson is, the maniac just stands there laughing his horrible maniacal laugh.
Kill him.
Kill him, Bonnie.
Kill him, Fritz!
I shoot his legs and he crumples, laughing, "Is that the best you've got?!" He grins wildly.
"Oh screw this!" I snap, "I'm done being nice!"
I shoot him with the gun to the head. His body disintegrates. I turn my gun to Kat. She's a robot. She's whimpering in the corner.
"Give me one reason I shouldn't shoot!" My confident demeanor wavers at the sight of my old friend, she seems so...scared.
"I'm sorry." She cries, "I tried to help you. There's only so much I can do with a protocol."
Spare her.
"Lead me to the teleporter." I shake.
She nods and I follow her. She types in coordinates.
"Do you have a signal tuner?" I ask, kinder than before, but still not myself.
"I have yours." She shakily hands it to me.
"Thank you, Kat." I nod, trying to loose the venom in my voice. No reason to yell at her. "Go through the teleporter."
I call the one person I need to hear, Foxete.

Foxete's POV:

I'm sitting in the med-bay talking to Keori, Keeva, Kip, and Illoha when my signal tuner goes off.
Keori picks it up and yelps, "It's Bonnie!" She screeches.
"Answer it!" I impatiently race to her side.
"Bonnie?" She asks.
"Keori? I thought this was Fox's number?" He asks, panicked.
"It is, where are you?" She asks.
"On Funtime Freddy's ship, don't worry I'm fine now. Meet me at these coordinates, 7357, -3479" He reads out. I wrote it down.
I teleport to the portal controls and type in the coordinates. Jake stands next to me. Soon after, Illoha and the others follow in.
"Coordinates are, 7357, -3479" I tell Jake.
His face goes cold after typing them in.
"No!" He yells, backing away from the computer, we can't go there!"
"Why not?" Keori asks.
I look at the name on the screen.

(525 Words)

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