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He was a typical teenager with bright eyes and idealized thinking that he would save the world somehow. From poverty, from war, from deathly diseases. He told his parents that he wanted to be someone who could help others in time of need, just like his parents.

His parents were known philanthropists who had helped many people in third world countries. They gave their time, their money, even using their great influence to make others help them with their cause. They flew around the world, involved themselves directly, oversaw things, and overall, they were a perfect little family.

This all happened for a few centuries until someone got nosy and started to investigate. Yes, they were immortals, all four of them including his little sister. His innocent little sister.

The person who took notice of them was a young and ambitious reporter who did his research s into the nobles genealogy pool and inadvertently stumbled into his family. True, they moved around after around twenty years in one place, and the reporter somehow found out about it.

He cross checked all the data, their cause, their photos and finally came to the conclusion that they were witches or vampires.

Shortly after, when the Salem witches were burned, they were dragged into the stage to be burnt too, and he could still hear his mother and his little sister's scream when they raped them to force them to confess that they were witches. And he could still hear their screams when they cut his father's and his genitals and his mother's and sister's breasts before they burnt them.

He was lucky because Xie Lian happened to be there. Xie Lian helped him, but it was too late for his family since they were already burnt to ashes.

He screamed and cried and called their names every day for almost a week. His grief and the pain of losing his family was worse than the pain they inflicted when they cut off his thing. It consumed him and destroyed him and left a hole the size of the abyss inside his heart that no one could ever fix.

Xie Lian tried to help him, he really did, but his anger was too deep and consuming, it burnt his soul and his very existence until there was nothing left beside the darkness.

One day he found out that Xie Lian and Wei Wuxian were also not humans, and yet he wondered why only his innocent family were killed? Why was it so unfair? Why? Why? WHY?

He left from their care the next day, still bleeding in his body and his heart. He swore he would take revenge on those puny humans, those worthless charlatans, and those two demons who couldn't be there earlier to save his family.

He changed his name, his appearances, and he used all of his vast knowledge about humans to become their leader. And finally when the time was right, he would eradicate all of those dirty, disgusting charlatans. Including those two of his so-called saviors.

Wei Wuxian and Xie Lian quickly cast protection spells on their significant others before they took out their weapons, scythe for Wei Wuxian, and a fan for Xie Lian. It was a specialized assassin's fan with hidden diabolium silver needles inside its spine that could obliterate many people at once at deathly precision. The design on the fan was a beautiful hand painted phoenix on one side, and a dragon on the other side.

"Ooh, taking out the big gun eh?" Wei Wuxian chuckled as he sliced one of the chimeras. The soldiers had turned into bigger versions of themselves. They still had the outer appearance of a human-a giant one at that-with sharp and elongated claws, teeth and bat wings.

"Good thing I took out my fan since they apparently have wings." Xie Lian chuckled as he swiped his fan and the silver needles flew out to pierce their thickened hides right at their acupuncture points that rendered them incapacitated.

"Well, yeah, please watch out for your needles trajectories. I still remember when you purposely sent them flying my way back then and it took me like an extra five seconds to take them out."

"I told you that was an honest mistake! I swear to god..." Xie Lian rolled his eyes. Wei Wuxian loved to poke at him, especially when he made mistakes like that. "One time! One time only! And it was because you suddenly appeared out of nowhere in front of me, Jesus."

Wei Wuxian only chuckled as she slashed the chimera in front of her. She loved getting Xie Lian's feathers ruffled like this since he always looked calm and composed.

"I don't think they need our help." Hua Cheng observed from behind the desk where he held Shi Wudu as he talked to Lan Wangji, who also observed the two Devourers. "If this is how the Devourer fights, I'll be glad to be on their good sides rather than their bad sides."

Lan Wangji nodded. Both of them looked like they were dancing and enjoying the fight so much even with the nonstop appearance of the chimeras, they did not even break a sweat. He looked at Wei Wuxian and reminisced about the time when she was fighting in the battlefield, killing hundreds of the enemies' soldiers at once with her scythe. Even bathed in blood, she was still the most beautiful human he had ever seen.

"But don't you think this is so easy?" Lan Wangji had a sudden thought that this might be some kind of a ruse. "I mean, Jun Wu surely knew the power of the Devourers, so why did he send those chimeras? They're abundant in numbers, but their powers aren't that great. I think he intended to keep us running around while he did something behind our back."

Hua Cheng pondered on Lan Wangji's observation, when he suddenly had a bad thought.

"Wangji, what if he knew about the nephilim babies?" Without waiting for Lan Wangji's response, he called Lan Xichen, who was tasked to take care of the babies. "No response."

"Call Feng Yue or Feng Xue, their locations were probably closer to them." Lan Wangji took out his phone and he dialed his grandfather's phone, praying that everything would be alright. When the call went straight to voicemail, he called Shen Qingqiu.

"Hey, Wangji, we're at the Siren's Song right now, do you want to come? Your daughter has a beautiful singing voice just like Xianxian..." Shen Qingqiu answered the call and he was obviously drunk.

"Qingqiu, I think the babies are in danger." He spoke in a low voice. "Can you tell Feng Yue or Feng Xue to go back home and check them? I can't seem to connect to my grandpa or my brother."

Shen Qingqiu sobered up quickly as he gestured to Feng Xue.

"Sure, we'll be going back now. Is everything okay with you guys?"

"Nothing that we can't manage."

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