Chapter 14

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Bucky's POV

I woke up with my hands wrapped around Y/n. Probably first time I woke up first. I slowly unwrapped my hands from her body as I stood up.

I smiled at the events of night. It was good to cope with stress by love making with your loved one.

I did my hygiene which is very hard to do here but you can do it. I changed myself into my uniform which was shirt, jacket, bigger pants and black boots. I ran my hand through my hair as I looked at Y/n.

It was time to wake her up since I didn't wanted to get my ass kicked.

I slowly approached her and kiss her forehead.

"Wake up love." I whispered in her ear.

She hummed as she slowly opened her eyes.

"What time is it?" she asked in her sleepy voice that was sexy and cute at a same time.

"It's 7am we have talk with soldiers and colonel in 30 minutes." I said to her lowly as I kneel next to her bed.

She slowly sat up and stretched her arms. She looked at me and smiled.

"Good morning handsome." She said as she stood up.

I came to her and wrapped my arms around her waist.

"Good morning beautiful." I said as I hurried my head into her neck where I planted soft kisses which made her softly laugh.

"That tickles." Y/n said.

"I know that's why I'm doing it." I responded as I planted more kisses to her neck.

"Okay okay I need to change and make myself presentable." She said as she pushed me slightly away.

I fake pouted as she chuckled. She kissed my lips and went to do her hygiene and change herself into clothes.

She already wore her suit just as me. It was black catsuit that had purple detailing. It looked really good and modern. It looked like it was from space or future.

Stark outdid himself on this one.

She put her two guns and some knives in holsters as she brushed her hair.

"What do you think?" She asked with smirk when she caught me staring.

"Fuck me." I breathed out.

"I already did yesterday." She said while she was smirking at me.

"By the way don't you need helmet?" I asked her.

"I have my powers and I'm not just trained agent I'm also trained government assassin. I never wore helmet. I don't need it." she said as she approached me.

"We should probably go." she said as she wrapped her arms around my neck.

"We should." I gave her a quick kiss and she unwrapped her arms from my neck.

We made our way to soldiers tent where we were suppose to give soldiers a speech. Colonel joined us on our way there.

"Agent that suit looks amazing I must say Stark outdid himself." Colonel said.

"I wanted to thank you Colonel because this suit is amazing." Y/n thanked colonel.

"It was really nothing and Mr. Stark was more then happy to do something like this for our best agent." He said as we continue walking.

"Still thank you." She said.

We stopped in front of a tent. Colonel went in first then Y/n and then me. I saw lot of soldiers eyeing Y/n so I came closer to her.

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