Chapter 33

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As soon as I went into cryo sleep I was woken up.

Only me.

I was brought into Sokovia. Another HYDRA base. What now?

I was brought once again into cell. Nothing new.

Problem was cell was see through. Well shit. That's new. I leaned my head against wall. Shit I'm tired. I closed my eyes for few minutes till I heard something fell to ground in front of me.

I opened them and saw a girl. She could have been 18 maybe. She was unconscious. I could feel energy out of her.

She is a witch.

I came closer to her and check her pulse. It was slow but it was there. She was shaking. She was cold.

I took her into my arms and brought her a little bit of warm. I wrapped an invisible blanket around her and she snuggled into it.

Wait how I know that spell?

I shook my head at this and just held her. I closed my eyes and fall into sleep on I might add very comfortable ground.

It was already pitch black out. I saw a girl still sleeping with her head now in my lap. I examine the girls face a little. I could see a little in dark due to our missions with soldier that were in much darker places I can.

I could hear her mumble something in sleep. I made a little butterfly come out of my hand. It went into her temple. She slightly smiled in her sleep. I closed my eyes again and fell into not so calm sleep.

Few hours later I was woken up by  someone looking at me. What a nice feeling that is.

I looked into that persons eyes and saw a girl from yesterday just with opened eyes now. Her eyes were worried as her hands were producing red energy out of them.

I quickly came to her.

"Love you need to calm down." I said sweetly.

"I can't." She said in thick accent.

"I will help you calm down okay?" I asked and she nodded.

"What's your name?" I asked her.

"Wanda. I can't keep it in my hands." She said her eyes glossy.

"I'm-I'm Blair and I'm a witch. I know what you're going through. You just need to breathe repeat after me." I started to do breathing exercise.

She repeated after me. Glow from her hands slowly started to fade. She breathed out.

"Thank you." Wanda whispered.

"You're welcome." I said to her softly.

I guess I will be a mentor once again.

"What are you doing here Blair?" She asked me.

"I guess I will be your mentor." I said as I showed her my powers.

Violet whips was dancing between my fingers. She tried to do it but couldn't.

"It's okay I will learn you." I said.

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