Chapter 19

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Y/n's POV

I woke up on a ground. I felt so strong but at same time so weak.

What happened?

I thought for a second. Memories came back.



I looked at my hands. I made a little ball of energy in my hand. It was in strong violet colors. And it was shining brightly.

What was the serum called again?

Super soldier serum.

Wow I'm so smart.

Point proven bother I don't have Alzheimer.

I wonder what he is doing. He must have felt something happened.

We have a bond by blood. It's kinda creepy.

I sat up against wall. My eyes are closed. I relaxed into that very comfortable wall.

I wasn't cold anymore but my body was exhausted.

My throat was sore as fuck.

I wonder why when I was screaming for god knows how long.

I was thinking about lot of things.

How will I get out?

Good question.

Where is Bucky?

No idea.

He must be scared.

When he isn't scared for you dumb ass?

Did someone got out?

Probably not.

My thoughts were interrupted by screams. Male screams. Screams of someone familiar.


I stood up from ground but quickly regretted it. I slumped back against wall with groan.

I took a deep breathe and tried again.

Yay I'm up.

I started to walk to the door.


Really you're surprised?

Shut up inner voice.

I made a big ball of energy in my hand and threw it at door.


I pounded.

I lay back on ground.

The screams were silent now. I felt silent tears come down my cheeks.

I'm useless.

Door were opened. I played dead.

Someone picked me up and strapped me to the table. And then strapped someone else to the table.

I kept my eyes closed till doors didn't close. I looked to my right.

"Bucky?" I whispered yelled to him.

No response.

I send a little magic to him so he would wake up. He woke up and looked around.

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