The Crane Kick

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Athena took the mat with Sensei as Robby stood on the other side. They announced that Daniel LaRusso would be coaching Robby. I shared a look with Hawk. This was going to end bad. I just knew it.


"What do you think your doing?" I growled.

"Coaching my student." LaRusso said. "What do your think your doing?"

"Coaching my student." I hissed back.


I walked back over to Robby as Lawrence walked back over to Athena.

"Remember no aggression. Let her come to you." I said.

"You don't mind I'm fighting your daughter?" Robby asked.

"No. As long as you don't put her in the hospital its fine." I answered.

I looked over and saw Johnny whisper something to Athena who nodded.


Athena and Robby began to fight and so far Robby was winning. Robby kicked her hard in the chest causing her to fly across the mat, him earning a point. Athena got a point and she smirked down at him. Athena won another point when her dad walked on calling time. Both Sensei and Athena looked hurt as they stared at Daniel and Robby.

Athena struck first but Robby blocked all her hits. He knocked her out of bounds causing no one to get a point. Athena kept pushing him til he reached the line. Right before she could knock him out, Robby kicked out sending her flying. I was getting worried for Athena, Robby was beating her ass. Normally she would have won by now.

When Robby tried to help her up, she grabbed his hand and yanked him down. Sensei called Athena over and whispered something in her ear. She nodded as they looked over at her dad.


I saw Johnny whisper something in Athena's ear, she nodded as they both looked over at me. I couldn't help but feel bad for not coaching Athena. Robby looked over and I nodded to him. Robby got into fighting position, when Athena pulled a familiar pose. She stood on her toes on one leg holding her arms high above her head.

I heard gasp's filled the place as Athena stood in The Crane Pose. Johnny smirked over at me. They started and as soon as Robby made a move to get closer to Athena, she switched legs and Crane kicked him in the face. As I watched this happen, I got flash backs from when I did this.


I got in position, I stood on my toes on one foot holding my arms high above my head. When Johnny went to attack, I switched legs and Crane kicked him in the face.

Everyone ran up and hugged me. I made my way to Mr Miyagi. I bowed excitedly to him as he bowed back before I jumped into a hug.


I watched as Cobra Kai ran up and hugged her. She smiled widely as she bowed slightly to Johnny before jumping up and hugging him. I sighed, I should be the one she's hugging. Not Johnny Freaking Lawrence. I sighed again as I helped Robby up. I watched as Athena glanced at me and Robby before turning back to Miguel and Johnny.

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