Chapter 50 Fear

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Hongse studied the trees in front of them, which were blocking their way.

"There seems to be an enchantment, a powerful one that has been cast over this part of the forest. Designed to prevent anyone other than the caster to enter."

"Can you break it?" Wei Ying asked her. He was feeling terribly out of sorts now, only wanting his children back within his arms.

Lan Zhan wrapped an arm around his waist.

"We will find them." He promised, the threat unspoken.

"Okay." Wei Ying needed to be strong right now.

"Yes, I can break it." Hongse was saying. "You remember I was telling you about my sisters and I being Yang influenced gifted? Well, we are the direct opposite of anyone practicing dark magic, or Yin inclined. And as you so well understand, the Universe needs to be balanced."

With a powerful surge, Hongse blasted the trees with her energy. They shuddered visibly, a ripple of life force running through their branches and leaves, before birdsong broke out, and the air immediately felt lighter.

"Come!" She ran on ahead.


The witch put her stone down. Knife in one hand, she advanced, choosing which child to hurt first.

Rumi was shaking but now with an uncontrollable rage. How dare this vile woman touch him or his sister? How dare she take them away from their parents? He did not care that she had a weapon in her hands; as soon as she came close enough, Rumi launched himself at her, some gut instinct guiding his movement, so he used his tail for balance, dug his claws into her chest and ripped her throat out with his teeth.

All within a few seconds.

He fell with her to the floor and spat out anything contaminating his mouth, wiping it with her sleeve. He then tried the door, but when he turned around, he saw the bowl of water and realised there was another way out.

He remembered that horrible time when he had fallen into the ocean.

His father had gotten hurt, so he had to be careful now.

The stone table that Li XiWang was resting on was solid, stone through and through.
It should be safe enough, because the bowl was shallow, containing not much water.

He went to the other side of the table and pulled Li XiWang's body down so the stone table would deflect his energy pulse. Then he took the bowl and went to stand by the door, as far from his sister as he could.

He closed his eyes and put his finger in the bowl.


Wei Ying, Lan Zhan and Hongse were running towards the cottage when they felt the powerful blast. It was so strong, the walls of the cottage blew out, causing a dust cloud.

Wei Ying ran on ahead, as fast as he could, but Lan Zhan was faster, unwilling for anything to get to Wei Ying first. They picked their way through the rubble and Wei Ying spotted Rumi, gathering him up into his arms.

"You're safe, you're safe, my boy." He said, kissing him all over his face.

"Sister?" Lan Zhan asked him, following where he pointed.

He lifted Li XiWang from the debris, clearing space on the stone table, much like the witch had done.

Wei Ying saw the witch's legs sticking out from underneath a cauldron.

While Hongse treated Li XiWang, raising her head so they could administer the antidote, Lan Zhan lifted the cauldron so they could make sure she was dead.

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