Chapter 80 Third Floor

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Xiangfa had told everyone to meet in the library foyer, so they gathered there, waiting for her.

She had mentioned not needing to go and get Dunshi and Xiao Zei, because she had a surprise for everyone.

Wei Ying thought she had cooled towards them as a host, maybe because of the book, when they asked her if she could keep it here. She had freaked out about that and Bai Hua's warning, and that was yet another mystery.

Xiangfa seemed to know what the Healer of the Heavens meant, but she had refrained from telling them anything more.

Wei Ying was intrigued by the "Eye" reference and more importantly, the "they" in they are coming.

Who was coming, and why? His instincts were telling him that something horrible was heading their way, they had had enough warnings so far, and was it really a surprise when "things" happened to them? He had his own theories on who or what the Eye was, but for now, he didn't want anyone to worry about the ideas in his head for now, not until they were something more.

Xiangfa arrived with her beautiful entourage. All lovely ladies moved gracefully like gentle waves in a calm ocean, bowing to greet them.

"Tonight, esteemed guests, now that you have rested and satisfied your hunger, may we present our third floor? There is a wonder we often show our guests, and whether or not you wish to partake in this experience is purely up to you."

Curiosity arose and everyone agreed to follow her up the winding staircase.

"There are many strange things in this world, much of which cannot be explained. Each journey can be a path to one's inner soul, a journey of discovery and magic. All you have to do is keep an open mind." She said enigmatically.

They passed by the second floor which served as their sleeping rooms, and onto the next part of the staircase.

"Can anyone climb these to come up?" Wei Ying asked, thinking about how so far Xiangfa had built up whatever she was taking them to see, and surely it would make many an interested person want to explore, however, if these Guardians of the Temple not wish for anyone to visit, was there anything they could do to prevent it?

"I know what you are asking." She smiled and sent Chihong down to wait at the bottom of the stairs.

Once everyone had ascended, she asked Chihong to climb the steps.

But the moment Chihong put her foot on the first step, the stairs disappeared and an impossibly angled slope appeared.

Chihong tried really hard to climb but she kept getting thwarted by this staircase that had a mind of its own.

It was only when Xiangfa returned to the stairs that they remained solid.

Xiangfa wore a jubilant expression on her face and walked past Wei Ying.

"We have many security measures in place, so our guests do not have any worries." She said.

But Wei Ying wondered what would happen if someone forced her to come with them? As it wasn't his problem, he decided to let the matter rest for now.

Perhaps he was more on edge because of his daughter's message, but whatever it was, he felt it was in their best interests to stay wary for now.

They stood in the hallway of the third floor, and Xiangfa was looking at them as if she knew what was going to come, and she wasn't going to tell them.

"You may enter at your own risk." She gestured towards the closed doors.

The doors all had different symbols on them.

Before they could take any decisions, Xiangfa held up a hand.

"Look up."

They did, and were astounded to see the roof fall away, and Dunshi was being lowered to stand next to them. Bats of many sizes and shapes were carrying him from the stables to this place.

Dunshi kept laughing for some unknown reason, and Xiao Zei was also in good spirits.

Xiangfa repeated her warning.

Xiao Zei sauntered up to Wei Ying, trying to act casual.

"I need to talk to you later." He whispered, and then in a loud voice, "isn't this place lovely? Dunshi and I have been having a great time so far."

He winked discreetly at Wei Ying, but Wei Ying saw him watching Xiangfa surreptitiously.

"Are you up for the challenge?" He asked him instead.

"Yeah, I've never been one to shy away from any challenge." He boasted.

But there was a trace of fear behind his eyes, and Wei Ying thought about whether it was to do with whatever he wanted to talk about with them in private, or the rooms Xiangfa had pointed out.

Wei Ying squeezed his shoulder, trying to reassure him without giving anything away.

When he thought he wasn't being observed, Xiao Zei slipped Wei Ying a discreet note.

Wei Ying handed it to Lan Zhan on the pretext of kissing him, which anyone who knew them, knew that was an everyday occurrence.

"So who's gonna go first?" He asked with bravado.

"You all can." Xiangfa replied. "We have enough doors for everyone."

Wei Ying considered what she was saying.

If they had been presented to the doors yesterday, his answer might have been something different, after all, yesterday, Xiangfa was a trustworthy host.

He wouldn't have thought twice about it, in fact.

But today, and faced with an anxious fellow traveller, he had to think about who he trusted more, Xiangfa or Xiao Zei?

Should they go ahead and see what was in those rooms? Or chicken out and not go?

It was a tough decision, one that could potentially put his family at risk...and it wasn't just them, Wei Ying always felt responsible for all those travelling with him.

"I know!" He announced loudly.  "Let's take a vote. Who is ready to go in?" Wei Ying looked at all the faces displaying a range of emotions, from fear to excitement, to caution.

And they would do whatever he said, because they trusted him.

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