Chapter 152 Vault

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This was an area Wei Ying had never been to.

After the many twists and turns on this narrow path that veered away from the one that led to the Cold Pond, they were now facing a solid wall of mountain, with no visible entrance.

Wei Ying could sense a ward, a very powerful one designed to keep trespassers away. keep safe that which it protected.

He half expected to be thrown away like the blue beams of power that had hit him on his first entry into the cave that held the Yin Iron piece. The Lans were notorious about protecting what was theirs.

"Wei Ying is mine."

A deep, possessive voice said in his ear, making Wei Ying shiver. He looked up into intense golden eyes watching his reaction. He hadn’t even realised that he had spoken out loud.

"As you are mine." Wei Ying would have kissed him then, but for the groan that came from behind them.

"Actually, that's one thing I didn't miss!" Jiang Cheng shoved Wei Ying.

Lan Zhan glared at him.

"You will keep your hands to yourself. Unless you do not care for them any longer." He said, clearly meaning every word.

"He's joking! Aren't you, Didi?" XiChen quickly intervened, first anxiously looking at his husband's much paler face and then pointedly at his younger brother.

"Of course." Lan Zhan replied, in a tone that was anything but joking.

"I meant, let's not lose our focus. That's all." Jiang Cheng continued, not meeting their eyes.

"Indeed, indeed. Let's go in." XiChen pulled his husband closer and placed his own hand on the cold mountain stone.

An outline of a door appeared first, glowing with a brilliant white light. It solidified into an actual stone door, one that could only be opened with spiritual energy.

"I've never been in here before." Jiang Cheng muttered, looking all around.

"Neither have I." Wei Ying added, in complete awe of this place.

The cavernous roof stretched out far above them with multiple levels reaching higher and higher. The almost black walls were smooth as if this interior place had been carved out of the mountainside by something other than material tools.

"Each family branch has their own section." XiChen was explaining as they walked deeper within.

Little blue lights sparkled to life as they walked forward, illuminating their way. Wei Ying glanced behind them and noticed that the ones they had passed by ceased giving out light, while the ones in front increased their brightness. With these lights, this otherwise cold and dank place seemed less oppressive and stifling.

"This is our section." XiChen paused outside another door.

It was opened by his palm placed on the outside where another door appeared on the stone wall as the one they had used to gain entry.

"There are three sections here now...used to be four." There was a sad note in his voice.

They all knew he was thinking of their father, Qingheng-Jun.

"Obviously, not all can enter...but how come me and Jiang Cheng are able to pass through those powerful wards?" Wei Ying asked, not wanting them to be sad any more. He felt slightly guilty of reminding XiChen about their past.

"Both of you have a jade Button. It is sewn into your robes and after our marriages, it is sewn into all your garments. Cannot be replicated, nor worn by strangers. It is made from blood Jade. Do not ask for more information, we cannot give it to you." XiChen added.

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