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{Stella's POV}

"Hi I'm Peter." The brown headed boy said with a bright smile.

"Hi I'm.." before I could say my name he beat me to it.

"Stella right? My mom told me y'all were coming by." He said stepping to the side for me to come into his house. I did and was meet by a woman who looked to be about the same age as my aunt. She smiled at me putting her arms around me giving me a hung. I wrapped my arms around her until she pulled away.

"My names Lynda. You must be Stella?" She asked.

"Yes ma'am I am."I said and she smiled back.

"We'll Stella make yourself at home." She said turning her attention back to my aunt. I turned around to see Peter closing the door.

"Yeah so your new in town too right?" I asked being awkward not knowing really what to say and he caught on to it. He laughed at my question.

"Yeah I guess that's something we have in common. Hey do want a beer or anything?" He asked walking away into the kitchen.

"Umm yeah I'll take a beer." I went over and sat on their couch while my aunt and his mom were in the kitchen talking very quietly. Peter came back with two beers in his hand. He handed one to me while he sat down across from me on a single sofa.

"So are you ready for what is going to be hell for the next year?" He asked me taking a sip of his drink. I took a gulp of beer myself and rolled my eyes at his statement.

"Yeah I guess I'm as ready as I'll ever be." I said laughing a little bit. He went through a small end table and pulled out a small blunt and showed me.

"You smoke?" He asked and I nodded.

"Yeah not all the time but I do."I told him.

"Sweet let's go then." He said standing up and opening the front door letting me walk out first like a gentleman. "We'll be back." Peter told my aunt and his mom. They nodded going back into their conversation. As we were finally outside it was getting darker. I looked over to see him light up the blunt taking the first hit and then passing it to me. I took it and puffed on it inhaling the harsh smoke.

"So how do our parents know each other?" I asked that's something I've been recently doing is calling my aunt my parent because she basically raised me and I think she deserves that label. I handed him back the blunt feeling a cough creeping up on me so I took a sip of my beer to prevent it from happening.

"They both meet here in Hemlock Grove years ago they were friends but my mother split and left town and then my uncle died and he left us his trailer so we're back." He said laughing a bit. "But I don't know too much about their history honestly she just told me an hour ago who you guys were so here we are." He said opening his arms out. I laughed as we continued to walk around.

"Yeah she didn't tell me a whole lot either." I said looking off into the distance as he took another hit and passed it back to me. I took a hit and looked at the biggest house I've ever seen. "Holy shit who lives there?" I asked not knowing this town and hoping to find answers from him. Cause he's technically been here longer than I have.

"That is the Godfrey's mansion." He said drinking the last of his beer and chucking it into an empty can near his trailer.

"Godfrey? Who are they?" I asked curious as I passed him the blunt back. I took another gulp of my beer.

"They are just some rich assholes that have their names on almost half the buildings in this town." He said as I look back over to him in shock.

"Wow at least we don't have to.." before I could finish my sentence he spoke up.

"See them around? Yeah well the lady that lives there has two kids that go to our high school. Or so I've heard." He said irritated.

"Damn." I said finishing off my beer and throwing it in the same can that Peter put his in. We talked a lot more until it got too dark out and right when we were going to head back inside our parents came out with smiles on their faces.

"Hey it was really good catching up with you come back anytime okay May?" She told my aunt. She nodded In agreement.

"Will do it was so nice to see you again." She said hugging Lynda. They broke apart and my aunt came over to me.

"It was nice meeting you Stella." Lynda spoke up.

"You too." I said back to her and seeing Peter out the corner of my eye was about to walk past me but stopped and looked at me.

"It was good to meet you I'll see you tomorrow?" He asked and I nodded. "Nice we'll meet up in the morning and walk to school if you want it's not to far of a walk." He had asked me.

"Yeah that sounds good to me." I said back to him.

"Alright cool. We'll see ya later." He said turning back around to meet his mother standing on the steps to their trailer. Me and my mom walked off and up the long stairs and into her car.

"We'll I assume y'all got along well then right?" She had asked me as she pulled out and started to drive back to our home. I Stared out the window to see the mansion.

"Yeah he's really nice." I said not looking at my aunt and only at the details of the giant home.

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